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Does AppCode implement all the functionality of CLion

The AppCode IDE home page states that:

AppCode natively supports Objective-C, Swift, C and C++, including C++11, libc++ and Boost, as well as JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS and XPath. Use your preferred language to create your iOS/OS X application.


The CLion IDE is also meant for C and C++ but AppCode handles more languages.

Does AppCode implement all the functionality of CLion?

A yes answer I would think means it is better to go with AppCode. An explanation against this is appreciated if you disagree.

Note: I have not yet used AppCode.

like image 405
BAR Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 05:10


1 Answers

Accordingly to various comments / forum threads:

The language support will be the same.

Main differencies are in the tools support. For example, CLion has CMake build system and it is cross-platform.

Obviously, it's the case as long as you compare similar branches (e.g. builds on 142.xxx branch will have new stuff/fixes compared to 141.xxx). Build numbers can be checked on About screen.

like image 90
LazyOne Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10
