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Does anyone know where to get the [Stack Overflow Search] Visual Studio extension? [closed]

On my client workstation, my installation of VS2012 came with a stack overflow integrated search bar that sits alongside the quick launch. It looks like this:

stack overflow

The problem with this is that it is very cool, I want it added to my personal machine, but no one knows how it got onto my machine or where to find it. I know this question hasn't been asked on stack overflow before because visual studio told me so, included in the image below

stack overflow

The only extensions that I currently have installed to visual studio are included in the screenshot below and are consistent with all of my colleagues' installs. That's why it's a bit puzzling for me to have this while they don't.

stack overflow

Does anyone else have this? Where did you get it?

like image 805
K. Alan Bates Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 20:12

K. Alan Bates

1 Answers

It's the Web Search extension:


or maybe VS Commands:


like image 72
Howard Renollet Avatar answered Jun 18 '23 21:06

Howard Renollet