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Does anyone have a good resource for mobile CSS templates that work on most phones/devices? [closed]

More and more mobile devices are consuming content on my eCommerce sites. IPhones, Blackberries, PSPs, Windows Mobile, etc and I need some ideas how to handle repurposing my data using CSS templates for these devices. Any ideas would be great.

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Mike Avatar asked Sep 16 '08 00:09


1 Answers

I recommend you look at what Delta Airlines does with CSS at http://mobile.delta.com. They get help from a company called MShift who does a bunch of mobile banking (which, obviously, has to work on many different devices).

You can get some inspiration from the stylesheet used by the Delta site with https://my.mshift.com/deltacss.css.

Finally, there are a long list of demo mobile sites from MShift at http://www.mshift.com/demo.html.

FWIW, I don't have any association with either Delta or MShift, I have just admired their mobile UI.

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jttraino Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
