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Does Akka onReceive method execute concurrently?

Here is my scenario:

I have a master actor, which receives messages from multiple child actors. These messages contain data to be aggregated. In this aggregation logic, do I need to take care of synchronization issues, if I use a shared data structure to collect the aggregation?

else if(arg0 instanceof ReducedMsg){

                           ReducedMsg reduced = (ReducedMsg)arg0;


            finalResult.add((KeyValue<K, V>) reduced.getReduced());

            if(counter.get() == 0){





So as you can see I have a finalResult, to which each message will be aggregated, and after a processing logic the collection needs to be cleared as well.

Actually what I am trying to implement is a recursive (associative) reduction mapreduce. So I need to keep the synchronized block I assume? Or is it by any chance Akka executes the onReceive one thread at a time?

This logic produces accurate and predictable result on small data set. My problem is when my input data set is a little large, the code hangs. I want to be sure that is because of the context switches for my synchronization block, so that I may dwelve into a different design.

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sutanu dalui Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 15:07

sutanu dalui

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Why use akka?

Akka makes it possible to build software systems with reliability and high performance, without sacrificing developer joy and productivity. In short, Akka is open source middleware for building highly concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant systems on the JVM.

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Actors are objects (class instances in Java sense) that may have mutable state and normally follow the standard rules: Everything is an actor. Actors communicate with each other exclusively by sending asynchronous messages. There is no shared state, public static variables, etc. Only the actor may change its state.

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Akka is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant applications on the JVM. Akka is written in Scala, with language bindings provided for both Scala and Java. Akka's approach to handling concurrency is based on the Actor Model.

1 Answers

onReceive() is never called concurrently. This is the most fundamental guarantee Akka is giving to you.

This means that if your counter variable is a field in an actor and no other piece of code can access that field directly, you can safely use normal int/long instead of AtomicInteger/AtomicLong. Also synchronization on finalResult is not necessary assuming it is a field encapsulated and hidden in an actor.

Finally the usage of CountDownLatch is suspicious. In Akka applications you shouldn't use any synchronizations primitives. Actors are essentially single-threaded and all communication (including waking up and passing data) should be implemented via message passing.

This is all explained in the documentation: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0.2/general/jmm.html#Actors_and_the_Java_Memory_Model

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Tomasz Nurkiewicz Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Tomasz Nurkiewicz