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Does AFNetworking have backgrounding support?

I'm in the process of investigating AFNetworking as a replacement for ASIHTTPRequest, and notice a complete lack of information on whether it supports background downloads/uploads.

With an ASIHTTPReqeust object, all you have to do is call [request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground:YES] and the request will continue in the background. Is there any support for this in AFNetworking?

like image 456
Andy Riordan Avatar asked Oct 17 '11 23:10

Andy Riordan

1 Answers

EDIT: As of AFNetworking 1.0RC1, this is an explicit feature. AFURLConnectionOperation now has the method setShouldExecuteAsBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:, which transparently manages all of this for you.

It's an implicit feature, so I didn't really think about advertising it. All you'd need to do is:

- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application {
    __block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundTaskIdentifier = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^(void) {
        [application endBackgroundTask:backgroundTaskIdentifier];
        [[YourRestClient sharedClient] cancelAllHTTPOperations];

Or, if you manage your operations in your own NSOperationQueue, just -cancelAllOperations here instead.

like image 148
mattt Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11
