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Does a stray \ [backslash] have any meaning in C code? [duplicate]



For the code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {

compiling via gcc -Wall -Wextra -Wfatal-errors test.c gives no warnings.

However for other stray characters, compiling leads to the following error:

test.c:3:1: error: stray ‘`’ in program
compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.

I tried the same, with different stray characters, and each time I got an error.These errors ranged from expected primary-expression before the token to value computed is not used. I was expecting a similar warning/error for the backslash character as well.

So, does a stray backslash followed by no spaces have no meaning in C code?

I know for a fact that redundant semicolons (;) have no effect in C code, so are these somehow related?

like image 503
kalpaj agrawalla Avatar asked Aug 16 '19 14:08

kalpaj agrawalla

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2 Answers

The backslash is escaping the newline that follows it. It is used to logically combine two or more lines in cases where whitespace is relevant, such as in the middle of a string constant or as part of a macro definition so that it may span multiple lines.

In this particular case the whitespace is not significant so there is no effect on the code.

If you were to add spaces after the \ you would get a warning, and if you put a ; after those spaces you would get an error regarding a stray \.

like image 136
dbush Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10


It's the line continuation character. (You see it most often in macros.) The trigraph ??/ has the same effect.

If there was whitespace after it, then a compiler would issue a diagnostic.

like image 35
Bathsheba Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10
