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Documentation of nuget.config?



I recently read about disableSourceControlIntegration setting in Nuget.config.
Is there any documentation (reference) of applicable settings in NuGet.config (e.g. disableSourceControlIntegration) ?

like image 908
stargater Avatar asked Oct 27 '12 16:10


People also ask

What is a NuGet config?

A NuGet. Config file is a simple XML text file containing key/value pairs as described in the NuGet Configuration Settings topic. Settings are managed using the NuGet CLI config command: By default, changes are made to the user-level config file. To change settings in a different file, use the -configFile switch.

How do I access NuGet config?

You can also place the file at %appdata%\NuGet\NuGet. Config and it will be used everywhere. In Visual Studio 2017 open the solution, then go to tools > options > NuGet Package Manager > Package Source. You should see your sources listed.

Is NuGet config necessary?

If you're trying to create a NuGet package from your own code, you do not need a NuGet. config file.

1 Answers

while i didn't find any documentation i did dive into the source and find

  • repositoryPath
  • path-key
  • disabledPackageSources
  • packageSourceCredentials
  • packageSources
  • disableSourceControlIntegration
  • solution
like image 191
Betty Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
