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Packaging a build-tools-only package



I am building a package with build tools only: a .prop and a .target files, and a dll with MSBuild tasks. I specified these files to be placed into the build folder in the <file> section of the nuspec file:

  <file src="bin\Release\Acme.Build.Foo.dll" target="build" />
  <file src="MSBuild\Acme.Build.Foo.props"   target="build" />
  <file src="MSBuild\Acme.Build.Foo.targets" target="build" />

The nuspec file Acme.Build.Foo.nuspec is placed beside the Acme.Build.Foo.csproj.

If I use nuget pack Acme.Build.Foo.csproj, the dll file gets also packaged into the lib/ folder of the package, and added as a fererence when adding the package to the target project.

If I would use nuget pack Acme.Build.Foo.nuspec, I'd lose the niceties of keyword expansion, as $id$ etc.

Can I have the best of both? Is it possible to (1) prevent project output from going into lib/.../ automatically or (2) if not, at the least prevent that file from being added as a reference to the consuming project?

I am using the apparently the latest NuGet

like image 981
kkm Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 01:11


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1 Answers

Use the -tool option. So all other files are placed in tools folder.

nuget pack Acme.Build.Foo.csproj -tool
like image 113
kux Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
