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Documentation for installing and running hadoop 2.2 on Windows [closed]




With the latest release of Hadoop 2.2 I see that the release notes mentions that this version has significant improvements for running Hadoop on Windows. I downloaded Hadoop 2.2 yesterday and I saw lot of .cmd file alon with .sh files which ensures that this version has scripts and batch files for running Hadoop on Windows environment. However while looking at the Apache Hadoop documentation I couldn't find any step-by-step instructions on how to install and run this newer version on Windows. Besides this it looks like that the newer version has YARN architecture embedded in it and the old configurations provided on some of the tutorials online may be outdated and not applicable anymore. Is there any good documentation for Hadoop 2.2 available online ? I want it specifically for running Hadoop under Windows.

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Nital Avatar asked Oct 17 '13 14:10


People also ask

How do I know if Hadoop is installed on Windows?

To check Hadoop daemons are running or not, what you can do is just run the jps command in the shell. You just have to type 'jps' (make sure JDK is installed in your system). It lists all the running java processes and will list out the Hadoop daemons that are running.

1 Answers

If we directly take the binary distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release and try to run it on Microsoft Windows, then we'll encounter ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path.

The binary distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release does not contain some windows native components (like winutils.exe, hadoop.dll etc). These are required (not optional) to run Hadoop on Windows.

So you need to build windows native binary distribution of hadoop from source codes following "BUILD.txt" file located inside the source distribution of hadoop. You can follow the following post as well for step by step guide with screen shot

Build, Install, Configure and Run Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 in Microsoft Windows OS

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Abhijit Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
