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Documentation for Firebase WebSocket protocol



Is there some sort of documentation describing the Firebase WebSocket protocol (used in firebase realtime database)? I know the sources were open sourced recently ( e.g. https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk ) but I was wondering if there is something easily readable so I don't have to read / debug thru the code.

Also any docs how to debug the code locally would be terrific.

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Tomáš Bezouška Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 23:01

Tomáš Bezouška

1 Answers

firebaser here

The Firebase Database wire protocol is currently undocumented.

But since the questions is related to debugging the wire protocol, might be good to mention how to turn on debug logging (which shows traffic over sockets):

  • JS: firebase.database.enableLogging(true);
  • iOS: [FIRDatabase setLoggingEnabled:YES];
  • Android: FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().setLogLevel(Logger.Level.DEBU‌​G);
like image 131
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Apr 18 '23 09:04

Frank van Puffelen