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Where can I see and manage topics in FCM

Do you know where I can see and manage topics (a sort or admin console) in FCM?


* UPDATE * Using the FCM cordova plugin (FCMPlugin), I wrote the following in my app:

      console.log('FCMPLUGIN: ', token);
      alert(token); // the token pops up in my app

FCMPlugin.subscribeToTopic('topics/chats/' + currentUser.auth.uid);

No error, everything seems to work fine but when I go to my notifications console, I cannot see my topic: enter image description here

I read in some doc that sending a message to a topic that doesn't exists creates it so I tried through the test console of FCMPlugin (https://cordova-plugin-fcm.appspot.com/) but still no topic in my console... any idea of what I am doing wrong?

like image 442
Manuel RODRIGUEZ Avatar asked Jan 04 '23 17:01


1 Answers

You can see all active topics in the Firebase console by going to the Notifications panel. You can send notification messages to those topics from there too.

Steps (since some folks have a hard time finding it):

  1. Navigate to the notification composer
  2. Enter a Notification text for the message
  3. Click Next
  4. In the Target click Topic
  5. Click inside the Message topic box to see the list of topics

There is not really much you can manage about topics aside from that. Topics are automatically created when a user subscribes to them or when you send a message to them through the FCM API.

like image 141
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 08:01

Frank van Puffelen