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DockPanel.Dock="Right" is not working for single control on Maximized window?

I am using DockPanel.Dock for docking controls at the specific place(i.e left/right). The problem is my controls are not docking according to the DockPanel.Dock position.

Below is the code for single control with DockPanel.Dock="Right"


              Text            ="Left1"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Left"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"

              Text            ="Left2"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Left"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"

              Text            ="Right1"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Right"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"


enter image description here code for multiple controls with DockPanel.Dock="Right"


              Text            ="Left1"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Left"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"

              Text            ="Left2"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Left"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"

              Text            ="Right1"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Right"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"

              Text            ="Right2"
              Margin          ="5"
              DockPanel.Dock  ="Right"
              Style           ="{StaticResource TextBlockStyle}"


enter image description here

Expecting Output:

enter image description here

Any idea or thought will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance

like image 544
SharpUrBrain Avatar asked Mar 07 '12 09:03


2 Answers

You should make use of the LastChildFill property:

<DockPanel LastChildFill="False">

      Text            ="Left1"
      Margin          ="5"
      DockPanel.Dock  ="Left"

      Text            ="Left2"
      Margin          ="5"
      DockPanel.Dock  ="Left"

    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Right">
      Text            ="Right1"
      Margin          ="5"
      Text            ="Right2"
      Margin          ="5"


like image 194
ionden Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11


This is happening because the LastChildFill property of DockPanel is defaulted to true. For your desired output, set it to false.

As per MSDN:

If you set the LastChildFill property to true, which is the default setting, the last child element of a DockPanel always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To dock a child element in another direction, you must set the LastChildFill property to false and must also specify an explicit dock direction for the last child element.

Sample UI and XAML with usage of DockPanel:

<Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" WindowTitle="DockPanel Sample">
  <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
    <Border Height="25" Background="SkyBlue" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Top"</TextBlock>
    <Border Height="25" Background="SkyBlue" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Top"</TextBlock>
    <Border Height="25" Background="LemonChiffon" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Bottom"</TextBlock>
    <Border Width="200" Background="PaleGreen" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Left">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Left"</TextBlock>
    <Border Background="White" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">This content will "Fill" the remaining space</TextBlock>

XAML Sample

If you dont want above behaviour, set LastChildFill="False" in above XAML sample and watch the result.

like image 22
VSS Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11