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Docker: MacOSX Expose Container ports to host machine

In my job I working with docker and the option --net=host working like a charm forwarding the docker container ports to the machine. This allows me to adding grunt tasks that use certain ports by example:

  • A taks for serving my coverage report in a port 9001
  • A local deployed version of my app served in the port 9000
  • A watch live reload the port 35729
  • For Unit testing runner use the 9876 port

When I begin to use Docker in Mac, the first problem that i had was: The option --net=host don't work anymore. I researched and I understand why this is not possible (Docker in Mac runs in a own virtual machine) and my momentary solution it's use the -p option for expose the ports, but this limit to me to add more and more task that use ports because i need run the explicit -p command for each port that i need expose.

Anyone with this same problem? How to dealing with this ?

like image 356
Gonzalo Pincheira Arancibia Avatar asked Aug 03 '16 03:08

Gonzalo Pincheira Arancibia

People also ask

How do you expose a port to host a container?

You can expose a port through your Dockerfile or use --expose and then publish it with the -P flag. This will bind the exposed port to your Docker host on a random port (verified by running docker container ls ). You can expose a port through your Dockerfile or use --expose and then publish it with the -p 80:80 flag.

Can Docker containers communicate with the host?

If you are running more than one container, you can let your containers communicate with each other by attaching them to the same network. Docker creates virtual networks which let your containers talk to each other. In a network, a container has an IP address, and optionally a hostname.

1 Answers

Your issue is most probably that you are using dockertoolbox or dhingy/dlite or anything else providing a full-fledged linux VM, which then hosts docker to run your container inside this VM. This VM has, of course, its own network stack and own IP on the host, and thats were your tools will have issues with. The exposed ports of the container are not exposed to OSX host localhost, but rather OSX Docker-VM-ip.

To solve those issues elegantly

Expose ports to OSX localhost from the container

  1. First, use/install docker-for-mac https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/mac/ instead of dockertoolbox or others. Its based on a special xhyve stack which reuses your hosts network stack
  2. when you now do docker run -p 3306:3306 percona it will bind 3306 on the osx-host-localhost, thus every other osx-tool trying to attach to localhost:3306 will work ( very useful ) just as you have been used to it when you installed mysql using brew install mysql or likewise
  3. If you experience performance issues with code shares on OSX with docker containers, check http://docker-sync.io - it is compatible with docker-for-mac ( hint: i am biased on this one )

Export ports from the OSX-host to a containter

You do not really export anything in particular, you rather make them accessable as a whole from all containers ( all ports of the OSX-host-localhost)

If you want to attach to a port you offered on the OSX host, from within a container, e.g. during a xdebug session were your IDE listens on port 9000 on the OSX-host-localhost and the container running FPM/PHP should attach to this osx-localhost:9000 on the mac, you need to do this: https://gist.github.com/EugenMayer/3019516e5a3b3a01b6eac88190327e7c

So you create a dummy loopback ip, so you can access your OSX-host ports from without containers using - this is portable and basically gives you all you need to develop like you have used to

So one gives you the connectivity to container-exposed ports to apps running on the mac and trying to connect to localhost:port

And the second the inverse, if something in the container wants to attach to a port on the host.

like image 161
Eugen Mayer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Eugen Mayer