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docker copy file from one container to another?

Here is what I want to do:

  1. docker-compose build
  2. docker-compose $COMPOSE_ARGS run --rm task1
  3. docker-compose $COMPOSE_ARGS run --rm task2
  4. docker-compose $COMPOSE_ARGS run --rm combine-both-task2
  5. docker-compose $COMPOSE_ARGS run --rm selenium-test

And a docker-compose.yml that looks like this:

  build: ./task1
    - task1_output
  command: ./task1.sh

  image: alpine:3.3
    - /root/app/dist
  command: /bin/sh

# essentially I want to copy task1 output into task2 because they each use different images and use different tech stacks... 
  build: ../task2
    - task2_output
    - task1_output:ro
  command: /bin/bash -cx "mkdir -p task1 && cp -R /root/app/dist/* ."

So now all the required files are in task2 container... how would I start up a web server and expose a port with the content in task2?

I am stuck here... how do I access the stuff from task2_output in my combine-tasks/Dockerfile:

  build: ../combine-tasks
     - task2_output
like image 626
Tin Ng Avatar asked Aug 20 '16 10:08

Tin Ng

People also ask

How do I copy a file from one container to another in docker?

You can use the docker cp command to copy the file. The first path (Source) is the path in the Docker Container and the second one is the path inside your Local System (Destination).

How do I transfer files between containers?

Another way to copy files to and from Docker containers is to use a volume mount. This means we make a directory from the host system available inside the container. The command above runs a grafana container and mounts the /tmp directory from the host machine as a new directory inside the container named /transfer.

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2 Answers

In recent versions of docker, named volumes replace data containers as the easy way to share data between containers.

docker volume create --name myshare
docker run -v myshare:/shared task1
docker run -v myshare:/shared -p 8080:8080 task2

Those commands will set up one local volume, and the -v myshare:/shared argument will make that share available as the folder /shared inside each of each container.

To express that in a compose file:

version: '2'
    build: ./task1
    - 'myshare:/shared'

    build: ./task2
    - '8080:8080'
    - 'myshare:/shared'

    driver: local 

To test this out, I made a small project:

- docker-compose.yml (above)
- task1/Dockerfile
- task1/app.py
- task2/Dockerfile

I used node's http-server as task2/Dockerfile:

FROM node
RUN npm install -g http-server
WORKDIR /shared
CMD http-server

and task1/Dockerfile used python:alpine, to show two different stacks writing and reading.

FROM python:alpine
COPY . .
CMD python app.py

here's task1/app.py

import time

count = 0
while True:
  fname = '/shared/{}.txt'.format(count)
  with open(fname, 'w') as f:
    f.write('content {}'.format(count))
    count = count + 1

Take those four files, and run them via docker compose up in the directory with docker-compose.yml - then visit $DOCKER_HOST:8080 to see a steadily updated list of files.

Also, I'm using docker version 1.12.0 and compose version 1.8.0 but this should work for a few versions back.

And be sure to check out the docker docs for details I've probably missed here:

like image 197
Jett Jones Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Jett Jones

For me the best way to copy file from or to container is using docker cp for example: If you want copy schema.xml from apacheNutch container to solr container then:

  1. docker cp apacheNutch:/root/nutch/conf/schema.xml /tmp/schema.xml server/solr/configsets/nutch/

  2. docker cp /tmp/schema.xml solr:/opt/solr-8.1.1/server/solr/configsets/nutch/conf

like image 34
Saman Salehi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Saman Salehi