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Copying local git config into docker container

I'm using both docker and docker-compose to host what for the most part is a LAMP stack. I'd like to be able to use git inside one of my containers without it asking for my user.email and user.name on push after I build. Along with other things such as my push.default and branch settings. Is there any good way to have docker or docker-compose copy the results of git config --list to a file in the container, which I can then use with my entrypoint to setup the git config.

like image 828
Shardj Avatar asked Oct 15 '18 15:10


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1 Answers

Is there any good way to have docker or docker-compose copy the results of git config --list to a file in the container, which I can then use with my entrypoint to setup the git config.

You really needn't do that to reach your aims, there is a outbox solution:

For your host machine which run git, all the contents of git config --list is stored in files:

  • If use git config --system to configure them, they are stored in /etc/gitconfig
  • If use git config --global to configure them, they are stored in ~/.gitconfig

So, you just need to mount the files to containers, then can reuse the git configure on host machine.

Something like follows, FYI.

  • If host use --global to configure git:

    docker run --rm -it -v ~/.gitconfig:/etc/gitconfig your_image_with_git git config --list

    output: user.name=xxx

  • If host use --system to configure git:

    docker run --rm -it -v /etc/gitconfig:/etc/gitconfig your_image_with_git git config --list

    output: user.name=yyy

For docker-compose, you can just configure volumes to define the mount.

like image 85
atline Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
