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docker-compose yml running a script after up

I want to run a script, right after running

`docker-compose up -d`  

Here is my snippet of docker-compose.yml . The other settings are mysql server, redis...etc....but they are not causing any problems

web:   image: nginx   container_name: web-project   volumes:      - ./code:/srv    working_dir: /srv/myweb   extra_hosts:     - "myweb.local:"   ports:    - 8081:80 #  tty: true   command: sh /srv/scripts/post-run-web.sh 

So whenever i run docker-compose up -d or docker-compose up It all stops. (the containers do not keep running). Although my shell script is simple (running echos...or phpunit). Here is my script.

#!/bin/bash  echo running post install scripts for web..; cd /srv/myweb npm install composer self-update composer update 

And this is the error I get. It is like the server (nginx) is not running yet. Also if I connect to the server using exec bash, and i check out the processes. I do not see nginx running (yet).

web_1      | You are already using composer version 7a9eb02190d334513e99a479510f87eed18cf958. web_1      | Loading composer repositories with package information web_1      | Updating dependencies (including require-dev) web_1      | Generating autoload files web-project exited with code 0 Gracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force) Stopping mysql-project... done Stopping rabbitmq-project... done Stopping redis-project... done 

So why is it exiting, although the script is syntax-wise correct? How can i make it run correctly? (what am I doing, setting up wrong!)

like image 619
Confidence Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 07:10


People also ask

What happens when you run docker compose up?

The docker compose up command aggregates the output of each container (like docker compose logs --follow does). When the command exits, all containers are stopped. Running docker compose up --detach starts the containers in the background and leaves them running.

What is difference between docker compose up and run?

The key difference between docker run versus docker-compose is that docker run is entirely command line based, while docker-compose reads configuration data from a YAML file. The second major difference is that docker run can only start one container at a time, while docker-compose will configure and run multiple.

Does docker compose run after Dockerfile?

Dockerfile and docker-compose combined In this case, the docker-compose command actually uses a Dockerfile to build the latest version of a Docker image before it runs it. The docker-compose. yaml file can reference a Dockerfile and force a new Docker image to be built. However, the opposite is not true.

1 Answers

command overrides the default command.

That's the reason your container stops: nginx never starts.

At the end of your script you have to run nginx

#!/bin/bash  echo running post install scripts for web..; cd /srv/myweb npm install composer self-update composer update nginx 

By the way, I suggest you to change your script and run npm install and composer *update only if required (thus only if some file in /src/myweb does not exists), because it makes your container startup time increase in vain.

Note that by doing so, NginX will never catch the SIGTERM signal sent by docker stop. That can cause it to be abruptly killed.

Instead, if you want to be sure that SIGTERM is received by nginx, you have to replace the last line with exec nginx. This replaces the bash process with nginx itself.

like image 148
nessuno Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
