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docker-compose volumes_from usage example


Can you please provide an example to sharing a path using volumes_from from container A to Container B, in addition how container B can access this path after sharing is done.


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JavaSa Avatar asked Aug 03 '17 21:08


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1 Answers

As documentation said volumes if you are in version 3 you can use The top-level volumes to define a named volume as db-data ee code below and you can reference it in every services something like this:

version: "3"  services:    web:     nginx:alpine     ports:     - "80:80"    postgres:     image: postgres:9.4     volumes:       - db-data:/var/lib/db    backup:     image: postgres:9.4     volumes:       - db-data:/var/lib/backup/data    redis:     image: redis     ports:       - "6379:6379"     volumes:       - ./data:/data  volumes:   db-data: 

version 2.0:

volumes_from allow you mount all data or volume from another service or container, you have to specify the access level how documentation said volumes from in your code you can use something like this:

version: "2"  services:   web:     image: nginx:alpine     ports:       - "80:80"     volumes_from:       - redis:rw   postgres:     image: postgres:9.4     volumes:       - /data/webapp   backup:     image: postgres:9.4     volumes:       - /var/lib/backup/data    redis:     image: redis     ports:       - "6379:6379"     volumes:       - /data/db 

To code above redis define a volume services and then you can use in another container for example web with volumes_from look like web service use that volume service specify access level to read and write

like image 140
julian salas Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10

julian salas