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I want to get the counts of groups which satisfy a certain condition. In SQL terms, I want to do the following in Elasticsearch.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (    SELECT     senderResellerId,     SUM(requestAmountValue) AS t_amount    FROM     transactions    GROUP BY     senderResellerId    HAVING     t_amount > 10000 ) AS dum; 

So far, I could group by senderResellerId by term aggregation. But when I apply filters, it does not work as expected.

Elastic Request

{   "aggregations": {     "reseller_sale_sum": {       "aggs": {         "sales": {           "aggregations": {             "reseller_sale": {               "sum": {                 "field": "requestAmountValue"               }             }           },            "filter": {             "range": {               "reseller_sale": {                  "gte": 10000               }             }           }         }       },        "terms": {         "field": "senderResellerId",          "order": {           "sales>reseller_sale": "desc"         },          "size": 5       }     }   },    "ext": {},    "query": {  "match_all": {} },    "size": 0 } 

Actual Response

{   "took" : 21,   "timed_out" : false,   "_shards" : {     "total" : 1,     "successful" : 1,     "failed" : 0   },   "hits" : {     "total" : 150824,     "max_score" : 0.0,     "hits" : [ ]   },   "aggregations" : {     "reseller_sale_sum" : {       "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : -1,       "sum_other_doc_count" : 149609,       "buckets" : [         {           "key" : "RES0000000004",           "doc_count" : 8,           "sales" : {             "doc_count" : 0,             "reseller_sale" : {               "value" : 0.0             }           }         },         {           "key" : "RES0000000005",           "doc_count" : 39,           "sales" : {             "doc_count" : 0,             "reseller_sale" : {               "value" : 0.0             }           }         },         {           "key" : "RES0000000006",           "doc_count" : 57,           "sales" : {             "doc_count" : 0,             "reseller_sale" : {               "value" : 0.0             }           }         },         {           "key" : "RES0000000007",           "doc_count" : 134,           "sales" : {             "doc_count" : 0,             "reseller_sale" : {               "value" : 0.0             }           }         }           }         }       ]     }   } } 

As you can see from above response, it is returning resellers but the reseller_sale aggregation is zero in results.

More details are here.

like image 234
damjad Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 10:10


People also ask

Can we use GROUP BY and HAVING together?

The HAVING clause is used instead of WHERE with aggregate functions. While the GROUP BY Clause groups rows that have the same values into summary rows. The having clause is used with the where clause in order to find rows with certain conditions. The having clause is always used after the group By clause.

Can we use HAVING with GROUP BY in SQL?

HAVING Clause always utilized in combination with GROUP BY Clause. HAVING Clause restricts the data on the group records rather than individual records. WHERE and HAVING can be used in a single query.

Can we use ORDER BY and HAVING clause together?

(When you have a GROUP BY ), the same logic applies for all fields you put in the SELECT list, the HAVING clause and the ORDER BY clause. So, it also applies for ORDER BY UpdateDate .

What is GROUP BY HAVING query?

It means, if different rows in a precise column have the same values, it will arrange those rows in a group. The SELECT statement is used with the GROUP BY clause in the SQL query.

1 Answers

Implementation of HAVING-like behavior

You may use one of the pipeline aggregations, namely bucket selector aggregation. The query would look like this:

POST my_index/tdrs/_search {    "aggregations": {       "reseller_sale_sum": {          "aggregations": {             "sales": {                "sum": {                   "field": "requestAmountValue"                }             },             "max_sales": {                "bucket_selector": {                   "buckets_path": {                      "var1": "sales"                   },                   "script": "params.var1 > 10000"                }             }          },          "terms": {             "field": "senderResellerId",             "order": {                "sales": "desc"             },             "size": 5          }       }    },    "size": 0 } 

After putting the following documents in the index:

  "hits": [      {         "_index": "my_index",         "_type": "tdrs",         "_id": "AV9Yh5F-dSw48Z0DWDys",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {            "requestAmountValue": 7000,            "senderResellerId": "ID_1"         }      },      {         "_index": "my_index",         "_type": "tdrs",         "_id": "AV9Yh684dSw48Z0DWDyt",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {            "requestAmountValue": 5000,            "senderResellerId": "ID_1"         }      },      {         "_index": "my_index",         "_type": "tdrs",         "_id": "AV9Yh8TBdSw48Z0DWDyu",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {            "requestAmountValue": 1000,            "senderResellerId": "ID_2"         }      }   ] 

The result of the query is:

"aggregations": {       "reseller_sale_sum": {          "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,          "sum_other_doc_count": 0,          "buckets": [             {                "key": "ID_1",                "doc_count": 2,                "sales": {                   "value": 12000                }             }          ]       }    } 

I.e. only those senderResellerId whose cumulative sales are >10000.

Counting the buckets

To implement an equivalent of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (... HAVING) one may use a combination of bucket script aggregation with sum bucket aggregation. Though there seems to be no direct way to count how many buckets did bucket_selector actually select, we may define a bucket_script that produces 0 or 1 depending on a condition, and sum_bucket that produces its sum:

POST my_index/tdrs/_search {    "aggregations": {       "reseller_sale_sum": {          "aggregations": {             "sales": {                "sum": {                   "field": "requestAmountValue"                }             },             "max_sales": {                "bucket_script": {                   "buckets_path": {                      "var1": "sales"                   },                   "script": "if (params.var1 > 10000) { 1 } else { 0 }"                }             }          },          "terms": {             "field": "senderResellerId",             "order": {                "sales": "desc"             }          }       },       "max_sales_stats": {          "sum_bucket": {             "buckets_path": "reseller_sale_sum>max_sales"          }       }    },    "size": 0 } 

The output will be:

   "aggregations": {       "reseller_sale_sum": {          "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,          "sum_other_doc_count": 0,          "buckets": [             ...          ]       },       "max_sales_stats": {          "value": 1       }    } 

The desired bucket count is located in max_sales_stats.value.

Important considerations

I have to point out 2 things:

  1. The feature is experimental (as of ES 5.6 it is still experimental, though it was added in 2.0.0-beta1.)
  2. pipeline aggregations are applied on the result of previous aggregations:

Pipeline aggregations work on the outputs produced from other aggregations rather than from document sets, adding information to the output tree.

This means that bucket_selector aggregation will be applied after and on the result of terms aggregation on senderResellerId. For example, if there are more senderResellerId than size of terms aggregation defines, you will not get all the ids in the collection with sum(sales) > 10000, but only those that appear in the output of terms aggregation. Consider using sorting and/or set sufficient size parameter.

This also applies for the second case, COUNT() (... HAVING), which will only count those buckets that are actually present in the output of aggregation.

In case this query is too heavy or the number of buckets too big, consider denormalizing your data or store this sum directly in the document, so you can use plain range query to achieve your goal.

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Nikolay Vasiliev Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11

Nikolay Vasiliev