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docker-compose run multiple tasks without sharing dependencies

The situation: I have a selenium app (in python) which connects itself to an account on a website in order to download several CSV files. To run it, I use docker (and docker-compose) here's my docker-compose.yml file

version: '3'

      context: .
      dockerfile: compose/selenium/Dockerfile
      - "4444:4444"
      - /dev/shm:/dev/shm
      - download-folder:/home/seluser/downloads

      context: .
      dockerfile: compose/enma_daio/Dockerfile
      - selenium
      - download-folder:/data/selenium-downloads
      - .env
    restart: always


My selenium's Dockerfile is just a way to create the downloads folder with the official selenium docker image

FROM selenium/standalone-chrome

RUN mkdir -p /home/seluser/downloads

To run my task I use:

docker-compose run -d enma daio arg0 arg1 arg2

By the way, I also use an entrypoint.sh:

set -e

cd /app

# Selenium takes a bit of time before being up so we wait until we can reach it
function selenium_ready(){
  curl selenium:4444 &>/dev/null

until selenium_ready; do
  >&2 echo "Waiting for selenium..."
  sleep 1

if [ "$1" = 'daio' ]; then
    exec python enma.py $@

exec "$@"

The problem: When I run multiple instances at the same time (on different accounts on the same website), they share the same selenium container and so the same volume. All Downloaded files are mixed together and I can't know which file comes which run.

What I would like to do: I would like to create another selenium container every time I run a new task. Or find the other way to use different volumes.

like image 485
BorisLaporte Avatar asked Aug 23 '18 11:08


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1 Answers

This sounds like you should pass the --project-name or p flag to docker-compose when doing docker-compose run.

By default docker-compose creates volume and container names based on your project name with the name of the current directory as a default. So in your case you will have a volume name <cwd>_download-folder. With container names <cwd>_selenium and <cwd>_enma.

If you want to have new volumes and a new selenium container created on each docker-compose run you just need to override its project name.

So if you do

$ docker-compose -p name1 run -d enma daio arg0 arg1 arg2

$ docker-compose -p name2 run -d enma daio arg0 arg1 arg2

You will end up with two created volumes, and four containers. Which seems to suit your needs, this will eliminate the enma containers from sharing the same volume.

FYI you can view which volumes have been created by running docker volume ls.

Hope this helps.

like image 181
Jack Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10
