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Launching Selenium test from bookmark?

I have some Selenium IDE scripts for automating tasks (deploying to an internal server via it's web interface), and I want to have bookmarks to launch them.

Don't want go to Tools -> Selenium IDE -> search test -> launch test, just want to click a bookmark and let the script run.

How can I achieve this? Am I missing a point?

Don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm currently using Firefox (if I have to change browser for this, it wouldn't be a problem).


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mgarciaisaia Avatar asked Sep 12 '12 20:09


People also ask

Can we bookmark a page using Selenium?

The concept of bookmarking a page is a feature of the browser. This is really outside the scope of what Selenium was created for. driver. get(bookmark);

How do I run a test in Selenium?

Steps to execute the test case:After logging into the account, choose the Automate tab from the home page. After that, the user will be navigated to execute your test case as shown below. Click on Let's get started! Note: Before using Browserstack, make sure Selenium has been configured on the system.

2 Answers

Not sure whether you be able to run tests pressing on a bookmark as browser plugins are usually run with a key combo. And bookmark is URL. Well the main issue in your question how to associate bookmark with browser addon launching.

Well, I've investigated a lil bit workaround. Speaking about getting Selenium HTML Test Suites Running Automatically (i mean an alternative to bookmarks) some solutions are possible: solution 1:

  1. Patch the Selenium server code to support HTML suites.
  2. Build a script to execute your HTML test suites.
  3. Build a script to read the suites’ output reports and consolidate the information for inclusion into your CC.NET report.

Setup details you can get here

Solution 2:

  • Selenium IDE plugin for Firefox to create tests
  • Java to run Selenium Server
  • Selenium Server to run test suites
  • Nant to generate reports for CruiseControl.NET
  • CruiseControl.Net as a continuous integration engine

Setup details here

Hope this be useful for you.

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eugene.polschikov Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09


Bookmarks are nothing else than URLs, which makes it impossible to "bookmark" a functionality of a plugin, such as the Selenium IDE.

However, there might be other plugins out there that do what you want. I haven't had a closer look at it, but one candidate could be the Favorites (Selenium IDE) Firefox Add-on.

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dokaspar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
