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Docker / Celery: Can't get celery to run

I can't get my celery workers to constantly listen to the default queue. Celery constantly exits.

$: docker-compose up
Starting tasker_rabbitmq_1
Starting tasker_celery_1
Attaching to tasker_rabbitmq_1, tasker_celery_1
tasker_celery_1 exited with code 1
rabbitmq_1  | 
rabbitmq_1  |               RabbitMQ 3.6.1. Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc.
rabbitmq_1  |   ##  ##      Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/
rabbitmq_1  |   ##  ##
rabbitmq_1  |   ##########  Logs: /var/log/rabbitmq/[email protected]
rabbitmq_1  |   ######  ##        /var/log/rabbitmq/[email protected]
rabbitmq_1  |   ##########
rabbitmq_1  |               Starting broker... completed with 6 plugins.

I am trying to build an app that has a separate jobs layer as a separately deployed jobs container. So the architecture is:

  1. Web / App layer (Django) on EBS
  2. Jobs Layer: Celery + RabbitMQ as a Docker container

This is what I have:

Folder structure:

        - __init__.py


from celery import Celery
from celery import task

celery = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')

import os

def add(x, y):
    return x + y


FROM python:3.4
WORKDIR /tasker
ADD requirements.txt /tasker/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD . /tasker/


  image: tutum/rabbitmq
    - RABBITMQ_PASS=mypass
    - "5672:5672"   
    - "15672:15672"
  build: .
  command: celery worker --app=tasker.tasks
    - .:/tasker
    - rabbitmq:rabbit

Is there something I'm missing? Why does celery exit with code 1?

like image 858
blue_zinc Avatar asked Jun 16 '16 19:06


People also ask

What port does Celery use?

The server is now running on port 6379 (the default port). Leave it running on a separate terminal. We would need two other new terminal tabs to be able to run the web server and the Celery worker later.

How do you call Celery synchronously?

If you look at the celery DOCS on tasks you see that to call a task synchronosuly, you use the apply() method as opposed to the apply_async() method. The DOCS also note that: If the CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER setting is set, it will be replaced by a local apply() call instead.

What is Celery Apply_async?

apply_async(args[, kwargs[, …]]) Sends a task message. delay(*args, **kwargs) Shortcut to send a task message, but doesn't support execution options.

2 Answers

1) install celery to python Docker image or use https://hub.docker.com/r/library/celery/

2) add full adress to rabbitmq with password in row:

celery = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest:mypass@rabbit//')

like image 159
Negash Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10


The RabbitMQ container is not available when you are trying to bring up the celery container.

The quick and dirty way to handle this is to turn manually turn rabbitmq in the background with the -d flag first:

docker-compose up -d rabbitmq

Wait a few seconds and:

docker-compose up celery

The proper way to handle startup order is documented here -> https://docs.docker.com/compose/startup-order/


I'm expanding my answer a little bit on how to accomplish this with 'wait for it'

  build: .
  command: ./wait-for-it.sh rabbitmq:5672 --timeout=2 --strict -- celery worker -A tasker.tasks
    - .:/tasker
    - rabbitmq


I've also just noticed that in your compose file, the container name under the links directive is wrong. It should be just rabbitmq. This also affects the order in which your containers are being turned on.


You probably need to add a hostname to the rabbitmq container as well:

  image: tutum/rabbitmq
  hostname: rabbitmq
like image 43
Teo Sibileau Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10

Teo Sibileau