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Do you create your own code generators?

The Pragmatic Programmer advocates the use of code generators. Do you create code generators on your projects? If yes, what do you use them for?

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lajos Avatar asked Sep 22 '08 05:09


People also ask

How do code generators work?

From a board perspective, this is pretty much how code generation works. A template is invoked to generate some code with some data being passed to the template for use. The template will have some sort of way to process the data and usually provide a way to do standard programming things like loops and selections.

What is code generator example?

Techopedia Explains Code Generator Another common use of the term “code generator” involves other resources or tools that help to turn out specific kinds of code. For example, some homemade or open source code generators can generate classes and methods for easier or more convenient computer programming.

What is the main purpose of code generator?

Code generator converts the intermediate representation of source code into a form that can be readily executed by the machine. A code generator is expected to generate the correct code. Designing of the code generator should be done in such a way so that it can be easily implemented, tested, and maintained.

2 Answers

In "Pragmatic Programmer" Hunt and Thomas distinguish between Passive and Active code generators.

Passive generators are run-once, after which you edit the result.

Active generators are run as often as desired, and you should never edit the result because it will be replaced.

IMO, the latter are much more valuable because they approach the DRY (don't-repeat-yourself) principle.

If the input information to your program can be split into two parts, the part that changes seldom (A) (like metadata or a DSL), and the part that is different each time the program is run (B)(the live input), you can write a generator program that takes only A as input, and writes out an ad-hoc program that only takes B as input. (Another name for this is partial evaluation.)

The generator program is simpler because it only has to wade through input A, not A and B. Also, it does not have to be fast because it is not run often, and it doesn't have to care about memory leaks.

The ad-hoc program is faster because it's not having to wade through input that is almost always the same (A). It is simpler because it only has to make decisions about input B, not A and B.

It's a good idea for the generated ad-hoc program to be quite readable, so you can more easily find any errors in it. Once you get the errors removed from the generator, they are gone forever.

In one project I worked on, a team designed a complex database application with a design spec two inches thick and a lengthy implementation schedule, fraught with concerns about performance. By writing a code generator, two people did the job in three months, and the source code listings (in C) were about a half-inch thick, and the generated code was so fast as to not be an issue. The ad-hoc program was regenerated weekly, at trivial cost.

So active code generation, when you can use it, is a win-win. And, I think it's no accident that this is exactly what compilers do.

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Mike Dunlavey Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 17:11

Mike Dunlavey

Code generators if used widely without correct argumentation make code less understandable and decrease maintainability (the same with dynamic SQL by the way). Personally I'm using it with some of ORM tools, because their usage here mostly obvious and sometimes for things like searcher-parser algorithms and grammatic analyzers which are not designed to be maintained "by hands" lately. Cheers.

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dimarzionist Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 18:11
