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Do we still need Richter's AsyncEnumerator?

Recently I stumbled across the AsyncEnumerator class form Jeffrey Richter's Power Threading Library which seems to solve several problems I'm usually encountering when programming asynchronous stuff.

The idea for this class has been around for quite a while now and I'm wondering if current versions of .NET / C# have built-in support for this mechanism by now or if it is still necessary to rely on a third party library? Or maybe newer versions of .NET have some alternative approach which simplifies asynchronous programming as much as Richter's AsyncEnumerator does?

Or in other words: Is there a reason to not start using Richter's AsyncEnumerator today?


Some links with information on AsyncEnumerator:

  • Jeffrey Richter and his AsyncEnumerator
  • Simplified APM With The AsyncEnumerator
  • More AsyncEnumerator Features
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Robert Hegner Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 11:08

Robert Hegner

1 Answers

Yes, you will still benefit from my AsyncEnumerator. The new threading stuff introduced in .NET 4 (Tasks, Parallel, PLINQ, etc), is all about concurrency. That is, they are all about taking a computational workload, dividing it up and spawning it out onto multiple threads so that the workload can complete in less time than it would takes 1 thread to do the entire workload. You can use these constructs to execute multiple synchronous I/O operations concurrently. However, the synchronous I/O operations cause all the threads to block which then causes the threadpool to create more threads. And so, your app's resource usage skyrockets while your CPU usage remains very low. This is a very inefficient to implement your application and prevents your app from scaling.

My AsyncEnumerator is all about initiating asynchronous I/O operations without blocking any threads so that your app's resource usage remains very low so your app scales very well. CPU usage remains low in this case too because you are performing I/O; not a computational workload.

In the next version of .NET, the new async/await language features (which I worked on with Microsoft), enables you to perform async I/O and in fact, the new features are modeled very similar to my AsyncEnumerator. So much so that you can port code that uses my AsyncEnumerator to the new model with very few source code changes.

As someone else pointed out, my AsyncEnumerator still offers other features and works with .NET 2.0 and later. So, many people will still find it quite useful for a long time.

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Jeffrey Richter Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Jeffrey Richter