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Do we really need all these 1000 threads running?

Using the fancy new taskmanager in windows 8 i noticed something that for me came as a suprise, the currently used/running threads where around 1k.

Since ive just resonantly touched the tutorials and theory behind multithreading software and games. I got the assumption that if you wanted to get the best performance out of your software, you should always have at least one thread per logical processor when there is work to be done. Since that processor would otherwise be "unused".

But seeing as i am already running around 1000 threads, wont all processors be working on something already?

Why multithread if the processing power is already being used by the other 50 or so processes? Wont managing all these 1000 threads take cpu enough? Why should i as a programmer handle the threads and not the operative system? If it gives each process one thread, wouldn't my software still be "multhithreaded"?.

Is using more threads just a fancier way of prioritizing processes?

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David Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 19:02


People also ask

What happens if you run too many threads?

The Case of Creating Too Many Threads. Our job will take longer to finish if we generate thousands of threads since we'll have to spend time switching between their contexts. Use the thread pool to complete our task rather than creating new threads manually so that the OS can balance the ideal number of threads.

How many threads should you use?

General rule of thumb for threading an application: 1 thread per CPU Core. On a quad core PC that means 4. As was noted, the XBox 360 however has 3 cores but 2 hardware threads each, so 6 threads in this case.

Why does Task Manager say I have so many threads?

Waiting (also known as blocked) threads are just that, waiting for something - the most common cases probably are that it is waiting for user, disk or network I/O (user input in particular is exceptionally slow). The thread count you see in the task manager is the total number of threads in any of these states.

How many threads we can run at a time?

A single CPU core can have up-to 2 threads per core. For example, if a CPU is dual core (i.e., 2 cores) it will have 4 threads.

1 Answers

I'd say, probably not. Although this question is a bit rhetorical, take a look at this article/book excerpt, by Jeffrey Richter, Stop the madness (from the book CLR via C#). It discusses just those things you ask.

If all we cared about was raw performance, then the optimum number of threads to have on any machine is identical to the number of CPUs on that machine. [...] All threads still have a kernel object, kernel-mode stack, and other resources allocated to them. This trend of creating threads willy-nilly because they are cheap has to stop; threads are not cheap—rather, they are expensive, so use them wisely.

I highly recommend that book. Well worth reading front to back, although it is fairly big, ~900 pages.

Multi-threading though is a very complex subject and cannot be easily answered in just a few lines, it is highly dependent on what you are trying to achieve. As always, it depends and you have to measure/evaluate/optimize any solution to get optimal performance. However, just routinely dishing out threads is probably not a good idea in general. As a side note, a managed thread allocates 1 MB stack memory, meaning that creating (and holding on to) threads in a .NET application can be very wasteful.

Also, just because a tread exists does not mean that it is consuming a full core. It may do some work, but it may also sit idle and wait for some work to come along (which is the most likely case, otherwise your overall CPU consumption would constantly be closer to 100 than 0). They do however consume, or more correct, waste system resources.

Introducing threads adds a significant amount of extra complexity to your application, even though many techniques are being introduced to make them easier to use (various parallel frameworks etc.). The underlying complexity is still there though, sometimes posing as harmless, but always ready to burst out into its true nature (timing issues, deadlocks, debugging complexity etc).

In short you might say, "Do not use multiple thread unless you have a reason to".
Even then, t(h)read lightly.

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Jakob Möllås Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Jakob Möllås