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ThreadLocal vs local variable in Runnable

Which one among ThreadLocal or a local variable in Runnable will be preferred? For performance reasons. I hope using a local variable will give more chances for cpu caching, etc.

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sab Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 23:04


People also ask

When should I use ThreadLocal?

Java ThreadLocal is used to create thread local variables. We know that all threads of an Object share it's variables, so the variable is not thread safe. We can use synchronization for thread safety but if we want to avoid synchronization, we can use ThreadLocal variables.

What is the purpose of declaring a variable of type ThreadLocal?

The ThreadLocal class is used to create thread local variables which can only be read and written by the same thread. For example, if two threads are accessing code having reference to same threadLocal variable then each thread will not see any modification to threadLocal variable done by other thread.

What is ThreadLocal in Java why is it used?

The ThreadLocal class in Java allows programmers to create variables that are accessible only to the thread that created them. This is useful for creating thread-safe code, as it ensures that each thread has its own copy of a variable and can not interfere with other threads.

Should Java ThreadLocal be static?

ThreadLocal s should be stored in static variables to avoid memory leaks. If a ThreadLocal is stored in an instance (non-static) variable, there will be M \* N instances of the ThreadLocal value where M is the number of threads, and N is the number of instances of the containing class.

2 Answers

Whenever your program could correctly use either of the two (ThreadLocal or local variable), choose the local variable: it will be more performant.

ThreadLocal is for storing per-thread state past the execution scope of a method. Obviously local variables can't persist past the scope of their declaration. If you needed them to, that's when you might start using a ThreadLocal.

Another option is using synchronized to manage access to a shared member variable. This is a complicated topic and I won't bother to go into it here as it's been explained and documented by more articulate people than me in other places. Obviously this is not a variant of "local" storage -- you'd be sharing access to a single resource in a thread-safe way.

like image 132
Mike Clark Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 09:10

Mike Clark

Which one among ThreadLocal or a local variable in Runnable will be preferred.

If you have a variable that is declared inside the thread's class (or the Runnable) then a local variable will work and you don't need the ThreadLocal.

new Thread(new Runnable() {
    // no need to make this a thread local because each thread already
    // has their own copy of it
    private SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(...);
    public void run() {
       // this is allocated per thread so no thread-local

On the other hand, ThreadLocals are used to save state on a per thread basis when you are executing common code. For example, the SimpleDateFormat is (unfortunately) not thread-safe so if you want to use it in code executed by multiple threads you would need to store one in a ThreadLocal so that each thread gets it's own version of the format.

private final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> localFormat =
    new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>() {
        protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() {
            return new SimpleDateFormat(...);
// if a number of threads run this common code
SimpleDateFormat format = localFormat.get();
// now we are using the per-thread format (but we should be using Joda Time :-)

An example of when this is necessary is a web request handler. The threads are allocated up in Jetty land (for example) in some sort of pool that is outside of our control. A web request comes in which matches your path so Jetty calls your handler. You need to have a SimpleDateFormat object but because of its limitations, you have to create one per thread. That's when you need a ThreadLocal. When you are writing reentrant code that may be called by multiple threads and you want to store something per-thread.

Instead, if you want pass in arguments to your Runnable then you should create your own class and then you can access the constructor and pass in arguments.

new Thread(new MyRunnable("some important string")).start();
private static class MyRunnable implements {
    private final String someImportantString;
    public MyRunnable(String someImportantString) {
        this.someImportantString = someImportantString;
    // run by the thread
    public void run() {
       // use the someImportantString string here
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Gray Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 08:10
