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do the default catch throw statements in C++ pass by value or reference




How does the default catch statement catch(...) {} catch an exception, by value or by reference?

Secondly, how does the default throw throw; throw an exception, by value or by reference?

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user236215 Avatar asked Mar 05 '12 05:03


2 Answers

The catch-all catch (...) doesn't give you access to the exception object at all, so the question is moot. [Corrected:] Rethrowing with throw; throws the original object. If the handler catches by value, then changes to the local copy do not affect the original, rethrown object.[/] See 15.3 (esp. clause 17) for details.

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Kerrek SB Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Kerrek SB

You always catch what you have thrown. Let's say you have an exception class

class MyException {
    int m_data;
    MyException(int data) 
        printf("MyException::MyException() ctor\n"); 
        m_data = data;   

    MyException(const MyException & other)    { 
        printf("MyException::MyException() copy ctor\n");

        printf("MyException::~MyException() dtor\n");

1) If you have thrown a pointer, you'll get the pointer:

Example 1:

void f()
    throw new MyException()

void main()
    catch(MyException * ex) // You WILL catch the pointer
        delete ex; // You should delete the exception object
    catch(MyException & ex) // You WILL NOT catch the pointer

Example 2:

void main()
     catch(...) // You WILL catch the pointer, but will be unable to access it
         throw; // You are rethrowing the pointer

2) If you have thrown an object, you'll catch a reference to it:

Example 1:

void f()
    printf("f BEGIN\n");
    throw MyException(1); // MyException ctor is called
    printf("f END\n");

void main()
    printf("main BEGIN\n");

    catch(MyException & ex)  // You WILL catch a reference to created object
       printf("catch MyException: %d\n", ex.m_data);
    } // MyException dtor is called here!!

    printf("main END\n");

The following output is produced:

main BEGIN
MyException::MyException() ctor
catch MyException: 1
MyException::~MyException() dtor
main END

Example 2:

void main()
     catch(...)  // You WILL catch a reference to created object, 
                 //but will be unable to access it
         throw; // You throw the reference
like image 45
blackbada_cpp Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10
