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Do SVG docs support custom data- attributes?

In HTML5, elements can have arbitrary metadata stored in XML attributes whose names start with data- such as <p data-myid="123456">. Is this part of the SVG spec too?

In practice this technique works fine for SVG docs in many places. But I'd like to know if it's part of the official SVG spec or not, because the format is young enough that there's still a lot of incompatibility between browsers, especially in mobile. So before committing to code I'd like know if I can expect future browsers to converge on supporting this.

I found this message from the working group mailing list saying they "expect [they] will" support it. Did this become official?

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Leopd Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 18:03


People also ask

Can SVG have data attribute?

The data-* SVG attributes are called custom data attributes. They let SVG markup and its resulting DOM share information that standard attributes can't, usually for scripting purposes. Their custom data are available via the SVGElement interface of the element the attributes belong to, with the SVGElement.

How do I change SVG attributes?

Changing Attribute Values Once you have obtained a reference to the SVG element you can change its attributes using the setAttribute() function. Here is an example: var svgElement = document. getElementById("rect1"); svgElement.

What are SVG attributes?

SVG elements can be modified using attributes that specify details about exactly how the element should be handled or rendered. Below is a list of all of the attributes available in SVG along with links to reference documentation to help you learn which elements support them and how they work.

What are custom data attributes?

Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements. These attributes are not intended for use by software that is independent of the site that uses the attributes.

2 Answers

While other answers are technically correct, they omit the fact that SVG provides an alternative mechanism for data-*. SVG allows any attribute and tag to be included, as long as it doesn't conflict with existing ones (in other words: you should use namespaces).

To use this (equivalent) mechanism:

  • use mydata:id instead of data-myid, like this: <p mydata:id="123456">
  • make sure you define the namespace in SVG opening tag, like this: <svg xmlns:mydata="http://www.myexample.com/whatever">

EDIT: SVG2, currently W3C Candidate Recommendation (04 October 2018), will support data- directly (without namespaces, the same as HTML). It will take some time before the support is widespread though. Thanks @cvrebert for pointing this out.

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johndodo Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09


The data-* attribute is part of HTML5. It’s not a generic XML attribute.

The current SVG W3C Recommendation is SVG 1.1 (from 2011-08). It doesn’t allow this attribute, as you can check in the attributes list.

The same is the case for the SVG 2 Working Draft (from 2012-08). Update (2015): It seems that it’s intended to support data-* attributes in SVG 2 (currently still a Working Draft).

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unor Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
