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Do Mock objects get reset for each test?

I'm using the Mockito framework to create Mock objects in my JUnit tests. Each mock knows what methods have been called on it, so during my tests I can write

verify(myMock, atLeastOnce()).myMethod(); 

I am wondering if this internal mock knowledge of what it has called will persist across my tests? If it does persist, then I could be getting false positives when using the same verify method in two tests.

A code example

@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class EmrActivitiesImplTest {          @Mock private MyClass myMock;          @Before     public void setup() {         when(myMock.myMethod()).thenReturn("hello");     }          @Test     public void test1() {         // ..some logic         verify(myMock, atLeastOnce()).myMethod();     }          @Test     public void test2() {         // ..some other logic         verify(myMock, atLeastOnce()).myMethod();     }   } 

Mock state is persisted - test2 will pass regardless, since test1's verify method passed

Mock state is reset - test2 will fail if myMock.myMethod() isn't called

like image 843
Shane Avatar asked May 29 '13 13:05


People also ask

What happens when you mock an object?

Mock objects allow you to set up test scenarios without bringing to bear large, unwieldy resources such as databases. Instead of calling a database for testing, you can simulate your database using a mock object in your unit tests.

What are the limitations of using testing mocks?

Mock Object Drawbacks You are coupling your test to a specific implementation and behavior of the object under test. You tend to have more tests fail when they shouldn't when mocking. This makes these tests brittle.

How do you reset mock Before each test jest?

afterEach(() => { jest. clearAllMocks(); }); to call jest. clearAllMocks to clear all mocks after each test.

2 Answers

JUnit creates a new instance of test class each time it runs a new test method and runs @Before method each time it creates a new test class. You can easily test it:

@Before public void setup() {     System.out.println("setup");     when(myMock.myMethod()).thenReturn("hello"); } 

And MockitoJUnitRunner will create a new MyMock mock instance for every test method.

like image 142
Evgeniy Dorofeev Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10

Evgeniy Dorofeev

import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;  import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;  @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class sandbox {      @Mock     private MyClass myMock;      @Before     public void setup() {         when(myMock.myMethod()).thenReturn("hello");     }      @Test     public void test1() {         myMock.myMethod();         verify(myMock, times(1)).myMethod();     }      @Test     public void test2() {         myMock.myMethod();         verify(myMock, times(1)).myMethod();     }  } 

This passes. If the state persisted then the second test would fail. If you debug it you would see that you get a new instance of the mocked object for each test.

like image 40
Ørjan Johansen Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 10:10

Ørjan Johansen