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Do Jenkins multibranch Pipelines allow remote triggers?

I am trying to to allow my multibranch Jenkins Pipeline to be triggered from a script. However each time I check the box and enter my token name and hit save, it does not save the configuration. When I next hit edit configuration the checkmark next to "Trigger builds remotely" is no longer checked.

Is this intentional? Do MultiBranch Pipeline jobs not support remote triggers?

like image 955
Neil Avatar asked Aug 17 '16 14:08


1 Answers

Actually, for now, it is possible to trigger the build of a multibranch pipeline, but the token is simply ignored.

If you go in a branch of your multibranch pipeline and go to "View Configuration", you can try to check "Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)" and see that it gives you a link like JENKINS_URL/job/<your-multibranch-pipeline>/job/<your-branch>/build.

That sounds a bit like a hack, and you might have authentication problems depending on your setup, but otherwise it does trigger the build with Jenkins 2.30.

like image 158
JonasVautherin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
