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Do I need to pass a worksheet as ByRef or ByVal?

I broke out some code from a larger block and need to pass a worksheet to it...

I'm not assigning any new value to the worksheet, but I am making changes to the Page Break settings for that sheet. Do I need to pass it as ByRef, or is ByVal good enough?

Private Sub SetPageBreaks(ByRef wsReport As Worksheet)
Dim ZoomNum As Integer

  ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
  ZoomNum = 85
  With ActiveSheet
    Select Case wsReport.Name
      Case "Compare"
        Set .VPageBreaks(1).Location = Range("AI1")
        ZoomNum = 70
      Case "GM"
        .VPageBreaks.Add before:=Range("X1")
      Case "Drift"
        .VPageBreaks.Add before:=Range("T1")
      Case Else
        .VPageBreaks.Add before:=Range("U1")
    End Select
  End With
  ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
  ActiveWindow.Zoom = ZoomNum

End Sub
like image 837
Rdster Avatar asked Jan 23 '17 18:01


People also ask

What is the difference between ByRef and ByVal?

ByRef = You give your friend your term paper (the original) he marks it up and can return it to you. ByVal = You give him a copy of the term paper and he give you back his changes but you have to put them back in your original yourself.

What is ByRef and ByVal in VBA?

Using ByVal makes copies of the data, and the copy will only be accessible from within the called sub, while the original data can only be accessed and modified from within the calling sub. Conversely, ByRef allows you to access and modify the original data from both the calling and the called sub.

What is the use of ByVal?

Specifies that an argument is passed by value, so that the called procedure or property cannot change the value of a variable underlying the argument in the calling code. If no modifier is specified, ByVal is the default.

1 Answers

Either will work, but for semantically correct code, prefer passing it by value (ByVal).

When you pass an object variable by value, you're passing a copy of the pointer to the object.

So what the procedure is working with is the same object (i.e. changed property values will be seen by the caller), except it's not allowed to Set the pointer to something else - well it can, but it'll do that on its own copy and so the caller won't be affected.

Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim target As Worksheet
    Set target = ActiveSheet
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
    DoSomethingElse target
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
End Sub

Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByVal target As Worksheet)
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
    Set target = Worksheets("Sheet12")
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
    'in DoSomething, target still refers to the ActiveSheet
End Sub

On the other hand...

Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim target As Worksheet
    Set target = ActiveSheet
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
    DoSomethingElse target
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
End Sub

Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByRef target As Worksheet)
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
    Set target = Worksheets("Sheet12")
    Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
    'in DoSomething, target now refers to Worksheets("Sheet12")
End Sub

In general, parameters should be passed by value. It's just an unfortunate language quirk that ByRef is the default (VB.NET fixed that).

The same is true for non-object variables:

Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim foo As Long
    foo = 42
    DoSomethingElse foo
End Sub

Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByVal foo As Long)
    foo = 12
    'in DoSomething, foo is still 42
End Sub


Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim foo As Long
    foo = 42
    DoSomethingElse foo
End Sub

Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByRef foo As Long)
    foo = 12
    'in DoSomething, foo is now 12
End Sub

If a variable is passed by reference, but is never reassigned in the body of a procedure, then it can be passed by value.

If a variable is passed by reference, and reassigns it in the body of a procedure, then that procedure could likely be written as a Function, and actually return the modified value instead.

If a variable is passed by value, and is reassigned in the body of a procedure, then the caller isn't going to see the changes - which makes code suspicious; if a procedure needs to reassign a ByVal parameter value, the intent of the code becomes clearer if it defines its own local variable and assigns that instead of the ByVal parameter:

Public Sub DoSomething()
    Dim foo As Long
    foo = 42
    DoSomethingElse foo
End Sub

Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByVal foo As Long)
    Dim bar As Long
    bar = foo
    bar = 12
End Sub

These are all actual code inspections in Rubberduck, as VBE add-in I'm heavily involved with, that can analyze your code and see these things:

ByVal parameter is assigned

Parameter is passed by value, but is assigned a new value/reference. Consider making a local copy instead if the caller isn't supposed to know the new value. If the caller should see the new value, the parameter should be passed ByRef instead, and you have a bug.


Procedure can be written as a function

A procedure that only has one parameter passed by reference that is assigned a new value/reference before the procedure exits, is using a ByRef parameter as a return value: consider making it a function instead.


Parameter can be passed by value

A parameter that is passed by reference and isn't assigned a new value/reference, could be passed by value instead.


That's the case of wsReport here:

Parameter 'wsReport' can be passed by value

like image 109
Mathieu Guindon Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Mathieu Guindon