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Do I need to flush SMTP server? If yes, how to do it?

I have been struggling to send emails form within a Haskell program for a while now, tried to use HaskellMime library or something like that, but failed.
I installed HaskellNet recently and try using Haskellnet.SMTP module. I tried sending an email with 'sendMail' command and get "user error(sendMail error)". I suppose it was because the SMTP server I used needed authentication.
I took a look at 'sendMail' source code and ended up writing this simple main: http://hpaste.org/47841
I checked each 'sendCommand' command and after the AUTH command I get a "Auth success" from the SMTP server, and 250 code from the other commands, as expected in the 'sendMail' source code.
The problem is I don't have any mails in my mailbox, so what am I doing wrong? The only thing I can think of, is that the mail is somewhere queued in the SMTP outgoing list and I need to flush the SMTP server, but that is not part of the 'sendMail' code, so I wonder... Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I never thought it would be so hard to send an email :/
P.S. I use the exact same settings on my phone to send email with this SMTP server, same "smtp.sfr.fr", same ID (entire address), same password; and it works: I can send mails from my phone.
Thanks in advance for the help.

like image 946
nschoe Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 20:11


1 Answers

While I can't comment on your use of HaskellNet, I've had great success using SMTPClient which you can grab from hackage with cabal install SMTPClient.

I've included the package's example to give you a sense of what using the library is like:

import Network.SMTP.ClientSession
import Network.SMTP.Client
import Network.Socket
import System.Time
import System.IO
import Data.Bits
import Data.IORef

myDomain = "example.com"
smtpHost = "hubert.blacksapphire.com"    -- <-- Your SMTP server here

-- This will send the author an email.  I don't mind!
main = do
    now <- getClockTime
    nowCT <- toCalendarTime now
    let message = Message [
                From [NameAddr (Just "Mr. Nobody") "[email protected]"],
                To   [NameAddr (Just "Stephen Blackheath") "[email protected]"],
                Subject "I'm using SMTPClient!",
                Date nowCT
            ("Dear Sir,\n"++
             "It has come to my attention that this is an email.\n"++
             "Yours sincerely,\n"++
             "Mr. Nobody\n")
    addrs <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just smtpHost) Nothing
    let SockAddrInet _ hostAddr = addrAddress (addrs !! 0)
        sockAddr = SockAddrInet (fromIntegral 25) hostAddr
    putStrLn $ "connecting to "++show sockAddr
    sentRef <- newIORef []
    sendSMTP' (hPutStrLn stderr) (Just sentRef) myDomain
        sockAddr [message]
    statuses <- readIORef sentRef
    -- If no exception was caught, statuses is guaranteed to be
    -- the same length as the list of input messages, therefore head won't fail here.
    case head statuses of
        Nothing     -> putStrLn "Message successfully sent"
        Just status -> putStrLn $ "Message send failed with status "++show status
like image 99
Raeez Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
