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Do AVDs (Android Virtual Devices) write logs? If so where?




About 3 days ago, after doing a bunch of AVD updates, SDK updates, Eclipse updates, Windows updates, doing end of year backups.... all new AVDs I create using the AVD manager seem to crash while loading. Windows pops up a box with the following message.

  • Emulator-arm.exe has stopped working
  • A problem caused the program to stop working correctly;
  • Windows will closed the program and notify you if a solution is available [Close Program]

AVDs created more then a week ago still seem to be working fine. Dose the AVD write logs I can examine to try and figure out what happened (I'm a curious kind of guy, and like to figure out what happened, rather then just uninstall/reinstall the AVD and hope for the best.)? My questions are:

1 - Do ADVs and/or the ADV manager write logs when they have problems?

2 - Where do I find any of these logs? / How should I read them?

like image 570
Joe Cullity Avatar asked Jan 01 '13 19:01

Joe Cullity

1 Answers

You can run the emulator from within a terminal to get all the output ( including errors ).

Run "emulator.exe -help" to get the complete list of possible arguments.

like image 76
Robert Estivill Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11

Robert Estivill