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DNN Containers

This might be a general question, but I can't seem to figure it out. What are containers in DNN? Skins are essentially a layout plus a colour scheme for the whole portal. So are containers the skin for desktopmodules?

Sorry if this question is novice. I am not confident in DNN yet, and am reading the doco. However i need this answer quite quickly.


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Prabu Avatar asked Jun 25 '09 04:06


People also ask

What are DNN modules?

Modules are one of the extension types, you may use to tailor your DotNetNuke based website to suit your needs. Within these extension types, modules are the primary driver of functionality and content within a DotNetNuke web site.

What is a module container?

A container module is a module that hosts other modules inside it. The primary purpose of a container module is to define, through the properties that are set for it, the layout of the modules that it contains.

2 Answers

Containers allow you to add style and markup to any module independently of the page skin or the particular module.

The layout goes like this:

  1. Default.aspx
  2. Skin (.ascx control, either the Portal default or selected on the given tab) - this has panels on it
  3. Container (.ascx control, this can allow you position some edit buttons and have a configurable wrapper around any module)
  4. Module (.ascx control, usually coming from /DesktopModules)

I hope this helps, -Eric

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ewalk Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


Yes, container is like a skin for single module. Using one skin for entire page, and several skins (container skins) for modules you can quicker create expected appearance.

In general this is a simple html snippet with several placeholders.

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arbiter Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
