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Djoser override activation email with template

I've been scouring for more information about how to do this, but there seems to be little to no documentation help.

Essentially want I want to do is make a new template for the activation email so the link can start with localhost:3000 instead of localhost:8000 (I'm using Vue for the frontend post request that's why)

I managed to find this: https://github.com/sunscrapers/djoser/blob/master/djoser/templates/email/activation.html but when I added it to my own project, the default Djoser template is still being used.

This is how my settings.py looks like:

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

My activation URL which works if the 8000 is replaced by 3000 manually:

 'ACTIVATION_URL': 'registration/activate/{uid}/{token}',


{% block subject %}
{% blocktrans %}Account activation on {{ site_name }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% endblock subject %}

{% block text_body %}
{% blocktrans %}You're receiving this email becaus!!!!!!e you need to finish activation process on {{ site_name }}.{% endblocktrans %}

{% trans "Please go to the following page to activate account:" %}
{{ http }}://{{ localhost:3000 }}/{{ {% url 'registration/activate' uidb64=uid token=token %} }}

{% trans "Thanks for using our site!" %}
like image 787
yeti blue Avatar asked Aug 16 '20 16:08

yeti blue

1 Answers

I suppose you need to override email.ActivationEmail, for example to core/email.py

from djoser import email

class ActivationEmail(email.ActivationEmail):
    template_name = 'email/activation.html'

and add it to your settings.py

    'EMAIL': {
            'activation': 'core.email.ActivationEmail'

Here are emails which can be overwritten link

like image 144
Pavlo Naumenko Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Pavlo Naumenko