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Django-way of specifying channel image in rss feed





What is the "django-way" of specifying channel image in rss feed? I can do it manually by rolling my own xml, but was looking for a proper way of doing it.

Edit dobrych's solution is not quite applicable here because I was asking specifically about RSS not Atom feeds

like image 243
Sergey Golovchenko Avatar asked Mar 19 '09 02:03

Sergey Golovchenko

1 Answers

Found the right way of doing it. As the documentation describes, I needed to create a custom feed generator by subclassing from Rss201rev2Feed and overriding method


like this:

class RssFooFeedGenerator(Rss201rev2Feed):
    def add_root_elements(self, handler):
        super(RssFooFeedGenerator, self).add_root_elements(handler)
        handler.addQuickElement(u"image", '',
                 'url': u"http://www.example.com/images/logo.jpg",
                 'title': u"Some title",
                 'link': u"http://www.example.com/", 

class RssFooFeed(Feed):
    feed_type = RssFooFeedGenerator
    title = u"Foo items"
    link = u"http://www.example.com/"
    description = u"Some description"
like image 126
Sergey Golovchenko Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09

Sergey Golovchenko