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Django templates: verbose version of a choice

In Django templates you can use the "get_FOO_display()" method, that will return the readable alias for the field, where 'FOO' is the name of the field.

Note: in case the standard FormPreview templates are not using it, then you can always provide your own templates for that form, which will contain something like {{ form.get_meal_display }}.

The best solution for your problem is to use helper functions. If the choices are stored in the variable CHOICES and the model field storing the selected choice is 'choices' then you can directly use

 {{ x.get_choices_display }}

in your template. Here, x is the model instance. Hope it helps.

My apologies if this answer is redundant with any listed above, but it appears this one hasn't been offered yet, and it seems fairly clean. Here's how I've solved this:

from django.db import models

class Scoop(models.Model):
        ('c', 'Chocolate'),
        ('v', 'Vanilla'),

    flavor = models.CharField(choices=FLAVOR_CHOICES)

    def flavor_verbose(self):
        return dict(Scoop.FLAVOR_CHOCIES)[self.flavor]

My view passes a Scoop to the template (note: not Scoop.values()), and the template contains:

{{ scoop.flavor_verbose }}

Basing on Noah's reply, here's a version immune to fields without choices:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def data_verbose(boundField):
    Returns field's data or it's verbose version 
    for a field with choices defined.


        {% load data_verbose %}
    data = boundField.data
    field = boundField.field
    return hasattr(field, 'choices') and dict(field.choices).get(data,'') or data

I'm not sure wether it's ok to use a filter for such purpose. If anybody has a better solution, I'll be glad to see it :) Thank you Noah!

We can extend the filter solution by Noah to be more universal in dealing with data and field types:

{% for item in query %}
        {% for field in fields %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Here's the code:

def human_readable(value, arg):
    if hasattr(value, 'get_' + str(arg) + '_display'):
        return getattr(value, 'get_%s_display' % arg)()
    elif hasattr(value, str(arg)):
        if callable(getattr(value, str(arg))):
            return getattr(value, arg)()
            return getattr(value, arg)
           return value[arg]
       except KeyError:
           return settings.TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID
register.filter('human_readable', human_readable)

I don't think there's any built-in way to do that. A filter might do the trick, though:

def display_value(bf):
    """Returns the display value of a BoundField"""
    return dict(bf.field.choices).get(bf.data, '')

Then you can do:

{% for field in form %}
        <th>{{ field.label }}:</th>
        <td>{{ field.data|display }}</td>
{% endfor %}

Add to your models.py one simple function:

def get_display(key, list):
    d = dict(list)
    if key in d:
        return d[key]
    return None

Now, you can get verbose value of choice fields like that:

class MealOrder(models.Model):
    meal = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=CHOICES)

    def meal_verbose(self):
        return get_display(self.meal, CHOICES)    

Upd.: I'm not sure, is that solution “pythonic” and “django-way” enough or not, but it works. :)