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Django template, send two arguments to template tag?

Can anyone tell me if its possible to send multiple variables from field names to a template tag?

this question How do I add multiple arguments to my custom template filter in a django template? is almost there, but i dont know how to send my two field names as a string.

my template:

    <th>{{ item.cost_per_month|remaining_cost:item.install_date + ',' + item.contract_length }}</th>

the above didnt work

my template tags:

def contract_remainder(install_date, contract_term):
    months = 0
    now = datetime.now().date()
    end_date = install_date + relativedelta(years=contract_term)

    while True:
        mdays = monthrange(now.year, now.month)[1]
        now += timedelta(days=mdays)
        if now <= end_date:
            months += 1
    return months    

def remaining_cost(cost_per_month, remainder_vars):
    dates = remainder_vars.split(',')
    cost = contract_remainder(dates[0], dates[1]) * cost_per_month
    return cost  
like image 453
AlexW Avatar asked Aug 18 '16 14:08


1 Answers

From my point of view it looks easier to use a simple tag instead of a template filter so you can call it without needing to send a string.


Your template would be just:

{% load remaining_cost %}
{# Don't forget to load the template tag as above #}

<th>{% remaining_cost item.cost_per_month item.install_date item.comtract_length %}</th>

and the template tag would be:

def remaining_cost(cost_per_month, install_date, contract_length):
    cost = contract_remainder(install_date, contract_length) * cost_per_month
    return cost 
like image 130
Daniel Schwarze Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11

Daniel Schwarze