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Django template engine indentation

I'm having a hard time trying to get Django's template engine to indent properly when extending/including templates

these files :


        <div id="hello">
            {% block bar %}
            {% endblock %}

            {% include 'baz.html'%}


{% extends 'foo.html' %}

{% block bar %}
{% endblock %}



will render as

        <div id="hello">

How can I fix it so it renders as

        <div id="hello">

Manually entering tabs is not an option. I am using soft tabs (4 spaces) if ever this matters.

like image 796
rxdazn Avatar asked Jan 04 '13 11:01


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2 Answers

Indentation is not automatically inserted by Django template inheritence. To achieve the indentation you desire you'd need to include it within bar.html:

{% extends 'foo.html' %}

{% block bar %}
{% endblock %}
like image 59
bradley.ayers Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09


You should explain with is the purpose of your indentation needs.

Indentation is very useful in debug step, but indentation is not compatible with optimization, because this exists spaceless filter.

You can write your own snipped:

def myinden(parser, token):
    args = token.contents.split()
    n = args[1]
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endmyinden',))
    return MyIndenNode(nodelist, n)

class MyIndenNode(Node, n):
    def __init__(self, nodelist, n):
        self.nodelist = nodelist
        self.n = n

    def render(self, context):
        import re
        regex = re.compile("^", re.M)
        return re.sub(regex, "\t"*int(self.n),

To usage:

{% include 'baz.html' with indentation="8" %}

{{ myindent:myindentation }}

Notice, not tested. Also, I suggest to you to modify snippet to works only in debug mode:

like image 31
dani herrera Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

dani herrera