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Check if celery beat is up and running

In my Django project, I use Celery and Rabbitmq to run tasks in background. I am using celery beat scheduler to run periodic tasks. How can i check if celery beat is up and running, programmatically?

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shinoymm Avatar asked Feb 12 '16 05:02


1 Answers

Make a task to HTTP requests to a Ping URL at regular intervals. When the URL is not pinged on time, the URL monitor will send you an alert.

import requests
from yourapp.celery_config import app

def ping():
    print '[healthcheck] pinging alive status...'
    # healthchecks.io works for me:

This celery periodic task is scheduled to run every minute, if it doesn't hit the ping, your beat service is down*, the monitor will kick in your mail (or webhook so you can zapier it to get mobile push notifications as well).

celery -A yourapp.celery_config beat -S djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler

*or overwhelmed, you should track tasks saturation, this is a nightmare with Celery and should be detected and addressed properly, happens frequently when the workers are busy with blocking tasks that would need optimization

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panchicore Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
