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Django Tastypie: post value in multiple models to a single Tastypie Resource

First model:

class Profile(models.Model):

    username = models.CharField(
        help_text=_('Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.'),
                _('Enter a valid username. This value may contain only '
                  'letters, numbers ' 'and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
            'unique': _("A user with that username already exists."),
   password = models.CharField(max_length=12, default='123456')
    first_name = models.CharField(_('first name'), max_length=30, blank=True)
    last_name = models.CharField(_('last name'), max_length=30, blank=True)
    email = models.EmailField(_('email address'), blank=True)
    date_joined = models.DateTimeField(_('date joined'), default=timezone.now)

second model:

class UserEbiz(models.Model):
    user_id = models.ForeignKey('Profile')
    password = models.CharField(max_length=12, default='123456')

Tastypie Resource:

class ProfileResources(ModelResource):
    id = fields.CharField(attribute='id')

    class Meta:
        queryset = Profile.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'profile'

        filtering = {
            "id": ALL,

I want to create a function that can save a value to both table at the same time by using only one resource. My question is how to post value into Profile and UserEbiz models using ProfileResources.

like image 865
nuriffah Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 13:10


1 Answers

@sean-hayes Answer is fine But if You really want to Post data on ProfileResource instead of UserEbiz first change ProfileResource to

class ProfileResource(ModelResource):
    ebiz = fields.ToManyField(UserEbizResource, 'userebiz_set', readonly=True)

Notice First that you have a ForeignKey of Profile. So it is 1:M for Profile to UserEbiz.

Second i have set readonly to true because i am going to handle UserEbiz data myself. However if You have models.ForeignKey('Profile', blank=True, null=True) then it is just like creating M2M data so just remove the readonly attribute and you are all set.

So you can override the obj_create to handle ebiz data yourself. Code might look like

def obj_create(self, bundle, **kwargs):
    ebiz = bundle.data.pop('ebiz', None)
    bundle = super(ProfileResource, self).obj_create(bundle, **kwargs)
    if not ebiz:
        return bundle

    ebiz.update(user_id=bundle.obj) # change it to user in model and here
    ebiz_res = UserEbizResource()
    ebiz_bundle = ebiz_res.build_bundle(data=ebiz)
    return bundle
like image 148
Satyajeet Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 18:10
