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Django ORM calculate number of days between two date attributes


I have a table student. it has following attributes





I need a report to know what is the avg number of days student get free between the passing the school and starting college.

Current approach

Currently i am irritating over the range of values finding days for each student and getting its avg.


That is highly inefficient when the record set gets bigger.


Is there any ability in the Django ORM that gives me totals days between the two dates?


I am looking for something like this.

Students.objects.filter(school_passed=True, started_college=True).annotate(total_days_between=Count('school_passout_date', 'college_start_date'), Avg_days=Avg('school_passout_date', 'college_start_date'))
like image 564
A.J. Avatar asked Feb 20 '15 10:02


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Finally, return the difference between the two counts. Python comes with an inbuilt datetime module that helps us to solve various datetime related problems. In order to find the difference between two dates we simply input the two dates with date type and subtract them, which in turn provides us the number of days between the two dates.

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1 Answers

You can do this like so:

Model.objects.annotate(age=Cast(ExtractDay(TruncDate(Now()) - TruncDate(F('created'))), IntegerField()))

This lets you work with the integer value, eg you could then do something like this:

from django.db.models import IntegerField, F
from django.db.models.functions import Cast, ExtractDay, TruncDate

qs = (
    .annotate(age=Cast(ExtractDay(TruncDate(Now()) - TruncDate(F('created'))), IntegerField()))
        When(age__lt=30, then=Value('new')),
        When(age__lt=60, then=Value('current')),
like image 124
Aidan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
