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"Online" monkey patching of a function

Your program just paused on a pdb.set_trace().

Is there a way to monkey patch the function that is currently running, and "resume" execution?

Is this possible through call frame manipulation?

Some context:

Oftentimes, I will have a complex function that processes large quantities of data, without having a priori knowledge of what kind of data I'll find:

def process_a_lot(data_stream):
    #process a lot of stuff
    data_unit= data_stream.next()
    if not can_process(data_unit)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    #continue processing

This convenient construction launches a interactive debugger when it encounters unknown data, so I can inspect it at will and change process_a_lot code to handle it properly.

The problem here is that, when data_stream is big, you don't really want to chew through all the data again (let's assume next is slow, so you can't save what you already have and skip on the next run)

Of course, you can replace other functions at will once in the debugger. You can also replace the function itself, but it won't change the current execution context.

Edit: Since some people are getting side-tracked: I know there are a lot of ways of structuring your code such that your processing function is separate from process_a_lot. I'm not really asking about ways to structure the code as much as how to recover (in runtime) from the situation when the code is not prepared to handle the replacement.

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loopbackbee Avatar asked Nov 05 '14 18:11


People also ask

What is monkey patching give example?

In Python, the term monkey patch refers to dynamic (or run-time) modifications of a class or module. In Python, we can actually change the behavior of code at run-time. We use above module (monk) in below code and change behavior of func() at run-time by assigning different value.

What is the monkey patching concept?

Monkey patching is a technique used to dynamically update the behavior of a piece of code at run-time. A monkey patch (also spelled monkey-patch, MonkeyPatch) is a way to extend or modify the runtime code of dynamic languages (e.g. Smalltalk, JavaScript, Objective-C, Ruby, Perl, Python, Groovy, etc.)

What is monkey patching in angular?

A monkey patch is a way to change, extend, or modify a library, plugin, or supporting system software locally. This means applying a monkey patch to a 3rd party library will not change the library itself but only the local copy of the library you have on your machine.

What is monkey patching in Ruby?

In Ruby, a Monkey Patch (MP) is referred to as a dynamic modification to a class and by a dynamic modification to a class means to add new or overwrite existing methods at runtime. This ability is provided by ruby to give more flexibility to the coders.

1 Answers

First a (prototype) solution, then some important caveats.

# process.py

import sys
import pdb
import handlers

def process_unit(data_unit):
    global handlers
    while True:
            data_type = type(data_unit)
            handler = handlers.handler[data_type]
        except KeyError:
            print "UNUSUAL DATA: {0!r}". format(data_unit)
            print "\n--- INVOKING DEBUGGER ---\n"
            print "--- RETURNING FROM DEBUGGER ---\n"
            del sys.modules['handlers']
            import handlers
            print "retrying"




# handlers.py

def handle_default(x):
    print "handle_default: {0!r}". format(x)

handler = {
    int: handle_default,
    str: handle_default

In Python 2.7, this gives you a dictionary linking expected/known types to functions that handle each type. If no handler is available for a type, the user is dropped own into the debugger, giving them a chance to amend the handlers.py file with appropriate handlers. In the above example, there is no handler for float or complex values. When they come, the user will have to add appropriate handlers. For example, one might add:

def handle_float(x):
    print "FIXED FLOAT {0!r}".format(x)

handler[float] = handle_float

And then:

def handle_complex(x):
    print "FIXED COMPLEX {0!r}".format(x)

handler[complex] = handle_complex

Here's what that run would look like:

$ python process.py
handle_default: 'this'
handle_default: 100


> /Users/jeunice/pytest/testing/sfix/process.py(18)process_unit()
-> print
(Pdb) continue


handle_default: 200
handle_default: 300


> /Users/jeunice/pytest/testing/sfix/process.py(18)process_unit()
-> print
(Pdb) continue



Okay, so that basically works. You can improve and tweak that into a more production-ready form, making it compatible across Python 2 and 3, et cetera.

Please think long and hard before you do it that way.

This "modify the code in real-time" approach is an incredibly fragile pattern and error-prone approach. It encourages you to make real-time hot fixes in the nick of time. Those fixes will probably not have good or sufficient testing. Almost by definition, you have just this moment discovered you're dealing with a new type T. You don't yet know much about T, why it occurred, what its edge cases and failure modes might be, etc. And if your "fix" code or hot patches don't work, what then? Sure, you can put in some more exception handling, catch more classes of exceptions, and possibly continue.

Web frameworks like Flask have debug modes that work basically this way. But those are debug modes, and generally not suited for production. Moreover, what if you type the wrong command in the debugger? Accidentally type "quit" rather than "continue" and the whole program ends, and with it, your desire to keep the processing alive. If this is for use in debugging (exploring new kinds of data streams, maybe), have at.

If this is for production use, consider instead a strategy that sets aside unhandled-types for asynchronous, out-of-band examination and correction, rather than one that puts the developer / operator in the middle of a real-time processing flow.

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Jonathan Eunice Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Jonathan Eunice