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Django: How to set initial values for a field in an inline model formset?

I have what I think should be a simple problem. I have an inline model formset, and I'd like to make a select field have a default selected value of the currently logged in user. In the view, I'm using Django's Authentication middleware, so getting the user is a simple matter of accessing request.user.

What I haven't been able to figure out, though, is how to set that user as the default selected value in a select box (ModelChoiceField) containing a list of users. Can anyone help me with this?

like image 722
Jeff Avatar asked Sep 30 '09 19:09


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2 Answers

This does the trick. It works by setting the initial values of all "extra" forms.

formset = MyFormset(instance=myinstance)
user = request.user
for form in formset.forms:
    if 'user' not in form.initial:
        form.initial['user'] = user.pk
like image 96
Rune Kaagaard Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10

Rune Kaagaard

I'm not sure how to handle this in inline formsets, but the following approach will work for normal Forms and ModelForms:

You can't set this as part of the model definition, but you can set it during the form initialization:

def __init__(self, logged_in_user, *args, **kwargs):
    super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.fields['my_user_field'].initial = logged_in_user


form = MyForm(request.user)
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Billy Herren Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10

Billy Herren