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Simple example of Pandas ExtensionArray

It seems to me that Pandas ExtensionArrays would be one of the cases where a simple example to get one started would really help. However, I have not found a simple enough example anywhere.

Creating an ExtensionArray

To create an ExtensionArray, you need to

  • Create an ExtensionDtype and register it
  • Create an ExtensionArray by implementing the required methods.

There is also a section in the Pandas documentation with a brief overview.

Example implementations

There are many examples of implementations:

  • Pandas' own internal extension arrays
  • Geopandas' GeometryArray
  • Pandas documentation has a list of projects with extension data types
    • e.g. CyberPandas' IPArray
  • Many others around the web, for example Fletcher's StringSupportingExtensionArray


Despite having studied all of the above, I still find extension arrays difficult to understand. All of the examples have a lot of specifics and custom functionality that makes it difficult to work out what is actually necessary. I suspect many have faced a similar problem.

I am thus asking for a simple and minimal example of a working ExtensionArray. The class should pass all the tests Pandas have provided to check that the ExtensionArray behaves as expected. I've provided an example implementation of the tests below.

To have a concrete example, let's say I want to extend ExtensionArray to obtain an integer array that is able to hold NA values. That is essentially IntegerArray, but stripped of any actual functionality beyond the basics of ExtensionArray.

Testing the solution

I have used the following fixtures & tests to test the validity of the solution. These are based on the directions in the Pandas documentation

import operator

import numpy as np
from pandas import Series
import pytest

from pandas.tests.extension.base.casting import BaseCastingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.constructors import BaseConstructorsTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.dtype import BaseDtypeTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.getitem import BaseGetitemTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.groupby import BaseGroupbyTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.interface import BaseInterfaceTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.io import BaseParsingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.methods import BaseMethodsTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.missing import BaseMissingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.ops import (  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.printing import BasePrintingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.reduce import (  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.reshaping import BaseReshapingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.setitem import BaseSetitemTests  # noqa

from .extension import NullableIntArray

def dtype():
    """A fixture providing the ExtensionDtype to validate."""
    return 'NullableInt'

def data():
    Length-100 array for this type.
    * data[0] and data[1] should both be non missing
    * data[0] and data[1] should not be equal
    return NullableIntArray(np.array(list(range(100))))

def data_for_twos():
    """Length-100 array in which all the elements are two."""
    return NullableIntArray(np.array([2] * 2))

def data_missing():
    """Length-2 array with [NA, Valid]"""
    return NullableIntArray(np.array([np.nan, 2]))

@pytest.fixture(params=["data", "data_missing"])
def all_data(request, data, data_missing):
    """Parametrized fixture giving 'data' and 'data_missing'"""
    if request.param == "data":
        return data
    elif request.param == "data_missing":
        return data_missing

def data_repeated(data):
    Generate many datasets.
    data : fixture implementing `data`
    Callable[[int], Generator]:
        A callable that takes a `count` argument and
        returns a generator yielding `count` datasets.

    def gen(count):
        for _ in range(count):
            yield data

    return gen

def data_for_sorting():
    Length-3 array with a known sort order.
    This should be three items [B, C, A] with
    A < B < C
    return NullableIntArray(np.array([2, 3, 1]))

def data_missing_for_sorting():
    Length-3 array with a known sort order.
    This should be three items [B, NA, A] with
    A < B and NA missing.
    return NullableIntArray(np.array([2, np.nan, 1]))

def na_cmp():
    Binary operator for comparing NA values.
    Should return a function of two arguments that returns
    True if both arguments are (scalar) NA for your type.
    By default, uses ``operator.is_``
    return operator.is_

def na_value():
    """The scalar missing value for this type. Default 'None'"""
    return np.nan

def data_for_grouping():
    Data for factorization, grouping, and unique tests.
    Expected to be like [B, B, NA, NA, A, A, B, C]
    Where A < B < C and NA is missing
    return NullableIntArray(np.array([2, 2, np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1, 2, 3]))

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def box_in_series(request):
    """Whether to box the data in a Series"""
    return request.param

        lambda x: 1,
        lambda x: [1] * len(x),
        lambda x: Series([1] * len(x)),
        lambda x: x,
    ids=["scalar", "list", "series", "object"],
def groupby_apply_op(request):
    Functions to test groupby.apply().
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def as_frame(request):
    Boolean fixture to support Series and Series.to_frame() comparison testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def as_series(request):
    Boolean fixture to support arr and Series(arr) comparison testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def use_numpy(request):
    Boolean fixture to support comparison testing of ExtensionDtype array
    and numpy array.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=["ffill", "bfill"])
def fillna_method(request):
    Parametrized fixture giving method parameters 'ffill' and 'bfill' for
    Series.fillna(method=<method>) testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def as_array(request):
    Boolean fixture to support ExtensionDtype _from_sequence method testing.
    return request.param

class TestCastingTests(BaseCastingTests):

class TestConstructorsTests(BaseConstructorsTests):

class TestDtypeTests(BaseDtypeTests):

class TestGetitemTests(BaseGetitemTests):

class TestGroupbyTests(BaseGroupbyTests):

class TestInterfaceTests(BaseInterfaceTests):

class TestParsingTests(BaseParsingTests):

class TestMethodsTests(BaseMethodsTests):

class TestMissingTests(BaseMissingTests):

class TestArithmeticOpsTests(BaseArithmeticOpsTests):

class TestComparisonOpsTests(BaseComparisonOpsTests):

class TestOpsUtil(BaseOpsUtil):

class TestUnaryOpsTests(BaseUnaryOpsTests):

class TestPrintingTests(BasePrintingTests):

class TestBooleanReduceTests(BaseBooleanReduceTests):

class TestNoReduceTests(BaseNoReduceTests):

class TestNumericReduceTests(BaseNumericReduceTests):

class TestReshapingTests(BaseReshapingTests):

class TestSetitemTests(BaseSetitemTests):
like image 357
Dahn Avatar asked Aug 23 '21 13:08


People also ask

What are types of pandas objects?

The main types stored in pandas objects are float, int, bool, datetime64[ns], timedelta[ns], and object. In addition these dtypes have item sizes, e.g. int64 and int32. By default integer types are int64 and float types are float64, REGARDLESS of platform (32-bit or 64-bit).

What are the three data objects used in pandas?

Thus, before we go any further, let's introduce these three fundamental Pandas data structures: the Series , DataFrame , and Index .

How pandas are useful in Python?

Pandas is an open source Python package that is most widely used for data science/data analysis and machine learning tasks. It is built on top of another package named Numpy, which provides support for multi-dimensional arrays.

What is Panda DataFrame used for?

The Pandas DataFrame is a structure that contains two-dimensional data and its corresponding labels. DataFrames are widely used in data science, machine learning, scientific computing, and many other data-intensive fields. DataFrames are similar to SQL tables or the spreadsheets that you work with in Excel or Calc.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Update 2021-09-19

There were too many issues trying to get NullableIntArray to pass the test suite, so I've created a new example (AngleDtype + AngleArray) that currently passes 398 tests (fails 2).

0. Usage

(pandas 1.3.2, numpy 1.20.2, python 3.9.2)

AngleArray stores either radians or degrees depending on its unit (represented by AngleDtype):

thetas = [0, np.pi, 2 * np.pi]
a = AngleArray(thetas, unit='rad')
# <AngleArray>
# [0.0, 3.141592653589793, 6.283185307179586]
# Length: 3, dtype: angle[rad]
a = a.asunit('deg')
# <AngleArray>
# [0.0, 180.0, 360.0]
# Length: 3, dtype: angle[deg]

AngleArray can be stored in a Series or DataFrame:

s = pd.Series(a)
# 0     0.0
# 1   180.0
# 2   360.0
# dtype: angle[deg]
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': s, 'b': AngleArray(thetas[::-1])})
#        a                  b
# 0    0.0  6.283185307179586
# 1  180.0  3.141592653589793
# 2  360.0                0.0
# 0    0.0
# 1  180.0
# 2  360.0
# Name: a, dtype: angle[deg]
# 0  6.283185307179586
# 1  3.141592653589793
# 2                0.0
# Name: b, dtype: angle[rad]

AngleArray computations are unit-aware:

df['a + b'] = df['a'] + df['b']
#        a                  b  a + b
# 0    0.0  6.283185307179586  360.0
# 1  180.0  3.141592653589793  360.0
# 2  360.0                0.0  360.0
df['a + b']
# 0   360.0
# 1   360.0
# 2   360.0
# Name: a + b, dtype: angle[deg]

1. AngleDtype

For every ExtensionDtype, 3 methods must be implemented concretely:

  • type
  • name
  • construct_array_type

For a parameterized ExtensionDtype (e.g., AngleDtype.unit or PeriodDtype.freq):

  • _metadata is required
  • construct_from_string is recommended

For the test suite:

  • __hash__
  • __eq__
  • __setstate__
from __future__ import annotations

import operator
import re
from typing import Any, Sequence

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class AngleDtype(pd.core.dtypes.dtypes.PandasExtensionDtype):
    An ExtensionDtype for unit-aware angular data.
    # Required for all parameterized dtypes
    _metadata = ('unit',)
    _match = re.compile(r'(A|a)ngle\[(?P<unit>.+)\]')

    def __init__(self, unit=None):
        if unit is None:
            unit = 'rad'

        if unit not in ['rad', 'deg']:
            msg = f"'{type(self).__name__}' only supports 'rad' and 'deg' units"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self._unit = unit

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f'angle[{self.unit}]'

    # TestDtypeTests
    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(str(self))

    # TestDtypeTests
    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, str):
            return self.name == other
            return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.unit == other.unit

    # Required for pickle compat (see GH26067)
    def __setstate__(self, state) -> None:
        self._unit = state['unit']

    # Required for all ExtensionDtype subclasses
    def construct_array_type(cls):
        Return the array type associated with this dtype.
        return AngleArray

    # Recommended for parameterized dtypes
    def construct_from_string(cls, string: str) -> AngleDtype:
        Construct an AngleDtype from a string.

        >>> AngleDtype.construct_from_string('angle[deg]')
        if not isinstance(string, str):
            msg = f"'construct_from_string' expects a string, got {type(string)}"
            raise TypeError(msg)

        msg = f"Cannot construct a '{cls.__name__}' from '{string}'"
        match = cls._match.match(string)

        if match:
            d = match.groupdict()
                return cls(unit=d['unit'])
            except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError) as err:
                raise TypeError(msg) from err
            raise TypeError(msg)

    # Required for all ExtensionDtype subclasses
    def type(self):
        The scalar type for the array (e.g., int).
        return np.generic

    # Required for all ExtensionDtype subclasses
    def name(self) -> str:
        A string representation of the dtype.
        return str(self)

    def unit(self) -> str:
        The angle unit.
        return self._unit

2. AngleArray

For every ExtensionArray, 11 methods must be implemented concretely:

  • _from_sequence
  • _from_factorized
  • __getitem__
  • __len__
  • __eq__
  • dtype
  • nbytes
  • isna
  • take
  • copy
  • _concat_same_type

For the test suite:

  • Many more concrete methods are needed
  • Whenever a test prompted me to add a new method, I marked it with a comment (though this is not a comprehensive mapping since most methods are required by multiple tests)
class AngleArray(pd.api.extensions.ExtensionArray):
    An ExtensionArray for unit-aware angular data.
    # Include `copy` param for TestInterfaceTests
    def __init__(self, data, unit='rad', copy: bool=False):
        self._data = np.array(data, copy=copy)
        self._unit = unit

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> AngleArray | Any:
        Select a subset of self.
        if isinstance(index, int):
            return self._data[index]
            # Check index for TestGetitemTests
            index = pd.core.indexers.check_array_indexer(self, index)
            return type(self)(self._data[index])

    # TestSetitemTests
    def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: np.generic) -> None:
        Set one or more values in-place.
        # Check index for TestSetitemTests
        index = pd.core.indexers.check_array_indexer(self, index)

        # Upcast to value's type (if needed) for TestMethodsTests
        if self._data.dtype < type(value):
            self._data = self._data.astype(type(value))

        # TODO: Validate value for TestSetitemTests
        # value = self._validate_setitem_value(value)

        self._data[index] = value

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        Length of this array.
        return len(self._data)

    # TestUnaryOpsTests
    def __invert__(self) -> AngleArray:
        Element-wise inverse of this array.
        data = ~self._data
        return type(self)(data, unit=self.dtype.unit)

    def _ensure_same_units(self, other) -> AngleArray:
        Helper method to ensure `self` and `other` have the same units.
        if isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.dtype.unit != other.dtype.unit:
            return other.asunit(self.dtype.unit)
            return other

    def _apply_operator(self, op, other, recast=False) -> np.ndarray | AngleArray:
        Helper method to apply an operator `op` between `self` and `other`.

        Some ops require the result to be recast into AngleArray:
        * Comparison ops: recast=False
        * Arithmetic ops: recast=True
        f = operator.attrgetter(op)
        data, other = np.array(self), np.array(self._ensure_same_units(other))
        result = f(data)(other)
        return result if not recast else type(self)(result, unit=self.dtype.unit)

    def _apply_operator_if_not_series(self, op, other, recast=False) -> np.ndarray | AngleArray:
        Wraps _apply_operator only if `other` is not Series/DataFrame.
        Some ops should return NotImplemented if `other` is a Series/DataFrame:
        if isinstance(other, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
            return NotImplemented
            return self._apply_operator(op, other, recast=recast)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._apply_operator('__eq__', other, recast=False)

    # TestComparisonOpsTests
    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self._apply_operator('__ne__', other, recast=False)

    # TestComparisonOpsTests
    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._apply_operator('__lt__', other, recast=False)

    # TestComparisonOpsTests
    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self._apply_operator('__gt__', other, recast=False)

    # TestComparisonOpsTests
    def __le__(self, other):
        return self._apply_operator('__le__', other, recast=False)

    # TestComparisonOpsTests
    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self._apply_operator('__ge__', other, recast=False)
    # TestArithmeticOpsTests
    def __add__(self, other) -> AngleArray:
        return self._apply_operator_if_not_series('__add__', other, recast=True)

    # TestArithmeticOpsTests
    def __sub__(self, other) -> AngleArray:
        return self._apply_operator_if_not_series('__sub__', other, recast=True)

    # TestArithmeticOpsTests
    def __mul__(self, other) -> AngleArray:
        return self._apply_operator_if_not_series('__mul__', other, recast=True)

    # TestArithmeticOpsTests
    def __truediv__(self, other) -> AngleArray:
        return self._apply_operator_if_not_series('__truediv__', other, recast=True)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def _from_sequence(cls, data, dtype=None, copy: bool=False):
        Construct a new AngleArray from a sequence of scalars.
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = AngleDtype()

        if not isinstance(dtype, AngleDtype):
            msg = f"'{cls.__name__}' only supports 'AngleDtype' dtype"
            raise ValueError(msg)
            return cls(data, unit=dtype.unit, copy=copy)

    # TestParsingTests
    def _from_sequence_of_strings(cls, strings, *, dtype=None, copy: bool=False) -> AngleArray:
        Construct a new AngleArray from a sequence of strings.
        scalars = pd.to_numeric(strings, errors='raise')
        return cls._from_sequence(scalars, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def _from_factorized(cls, uniques: np.ndarray, original: AngleArray):
        Reconstruct an AngleArray after factorization.
        return cls(uniques, unit=original.dtype.unit)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def _concat_same_type(cls, to_concat: Sequence[AngleArray]) -> AngleArray:
        Concatenate multiple AngleArrays.
        # ensure same units
        counts = pd.value_counts([array.dtype.unit for array in to_concat])
        unit = counts.index[0]

        if counts.size > 1:
            to_concat = [a.asunit(unit) for a in to_concat]

        return cls(np.concatenate(to_concat), unit=unit)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def dtype(self):
        An instance of AngleDtype.
        return AngleDtype(self._unit)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def nbytes(self) -> int:
        The number of bytes needed to store this object in memory.
        return self._data.nbytes

    def unit(self):
        return self.dtype.unit

    # Test*ReduceTests
    def all(self) -> bool:
        return all(self)

    def any(self) -> bool:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return any(self)

    def sum(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return self._data.sum()

    def mean(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return self._data.mean()

    def max(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return self._data.max()

    def min(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return self._data.min()

    def prod(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return self._data.prod()

    def std(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return pd.Series(self._data).std()

    def var(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return pd.Series(self._data).var()

    def median(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return np.median(self._data)

    def skew(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return pd.Series(self._data).skew()

    def kurt(self) -> np.generic:  # Test*ReduceTests
        return pd.Series(self._data).kurt()

    # Test*ReduceTests
    def _reduce(self, name: str, *, skipna: bool=True, **kwargs):
        Return a scalar result of performing the reduction operation.
        f = operator.attrgetter(name)
        return f(self)()

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def isna(self):
        A 1-D array indicating if each value is missing.
        return pd.isnull(self._data)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def copy(self):
        Return a copy of the array.
        copied = self._data.copy()
        return type(self)(copied, unit=self.unit)

    # Required for all ExtensionArray subclasses
    def take(self, indices, allow_fill=False, fill_value=None):
        Take elements from an array.
        if allow_fill and fill_value is None:
            fill_value = self.dtype.na_value

        result = pd.core.algorithms.take(self._data, indices, allow_fill=allow_fill,
        return self._from_sequence(result)

    # TestMethodsTests
    def value_counts(self, dropna: bool=True):
        Return a Series containing descending counts of unique values (excludes NA values by default).
        return pd.core.algorithms.value_counts(self._data, dropna=dropna)

    def asunit(self, unit: str) -> AngleArray:
        Cast to an AngleDtype unit.
        if unit not in ['rad', 'deg']:
            msg = f"'{type(self.dtype).__name__}' only supports 'rad' and 'deg' units"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif self.dtype.unit == unit:
            return self
            rad2deg = self.dtype.unit == 'rad' and unit == 'deg'
            data = np.rad2deg(self._data) if rad2deg else np.deg2rad(self._data)
            return type(self)(data, unit)

3. pytest

$ pytest tests.py
2 failed, 398 passed, 1 skipped, 1 xfailed in 3.95s

There are two remaining test failures:

  1. TestMethodsTests.test_combine_le

    Currently this returns an AngleDtype Series of boolean values, but pandas wants the Series itself to be boolean (not sure how to resolve this without breaking other tests):

    pd.Series(a).combine(pd.Series(a), lambda x1, x2: x1 <= x2)
  2. TestSetitemTests.test_setitem_scalar_key_sequence_raise

    Currently this puts a[[0, 1]] into index 0, but pandas expects an error:

    a[0] = a[[0, 1]]

    Several of the pandas extension arrays use convoluted validation methods to catch these edge cases, e.g.:

    • DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._validate_setitem_value
    • DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._validate_listlike
    • DatetimeLikeArrayMixin._validate_scalar
import operator

import numpy as np
from pandas import Series
import pytest

from pandas.tests.extension.base.casting import BaseCastingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.constructors import BaseConstructorsTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.dtype import BaseDtypeTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.getitem import BaseGetitemTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.groupby import BaseGroupbyTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.interface import BaseInterfaceTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.io import BaseParsingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.methods import BaseMethodsTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.missing import BaseMissingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.ops import (  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.printing import BasePrintingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.reduce import (  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.reshaping import BaseReshapingTests  # noqa
from pandas.tests.extension.base.setitem import BaseSetitemTests  # noqa

from extension import AngleDtype, AngleArray

def dtype():
    A fixture providing the ExtensionDtype to validate.
    return AngleDtype()

def data():
    Length-100 array for this type.
    * data[0] and data[1] should both be non missing
    * data[0] and data[1] should not be equal
    return AngleArray(np.arange(100))

def data_for_twos():
    Length-100 array in which all the elements are two.
    return AngleArray(np.array([2] * 100))

def data_missing():
    Length-2 array with [NA, Valid].
    return AngleArray(np.array([np.nan, 2]))

@pytest.fixture(params=['data', 'data_missing'])
def all_data(request, data, data_missing):
    Parameterized fixture giving 'data' and 'data_missing'.
    if request.param == 'data':
        return data
    elif request.param == 'data_missing':
        return data_missing

def data_repeated(data):
    Generate many datasets.

    data : fixture implementing `data`

    Callable[[int], Generator]:
        A callable that takes a `count` argument and
        returns a generator yielding `count` datasets.
    def gen(count):
        for _ in range(count):
            yield data

    return gen

def data_for_sorting():
    Length-3 array with a known sort order.
    This should be three items [B, C, A] with A < B < C.
    return AngleArray(np.array([2, 3, 1]))

def data_missing_for_sorting():
    Length-3 array with a known sort order.
    This should be three items [B, NA, A] with A < B and NA missing.
    return AngleArray(np.array([2, np.nan, 1]))

def na_cmp():
    Binary operator for comparing NA values.
    Should return a function of two arguments that returns
    True if both arguments are (scalar) NA for your type.
    By default, uses ``operator.is_``.
    return lambda a, b: np.array_equal(a, b, equal_nan=True)

def na_value():
    The scalar missing value for this type. Default 'None'.
    return np.nan

def data_for_grouping():
    Data for factorization, grouping, and unique tests.
    Expected to be like [B, B, NA, NA, A, A, B, C] where A < B < C and NA is missing.
    return AngleArray(np.array([2, 2, np.nan, np.nan, 1, 1, 2, 3]))

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def box_in_series(request):
    Whether to box the data in a Series.
    return request.param

        lambda x: 1,
        lambda x: [1] * len(x),
        lambda x: Series([1] * len(x)),
        lambda x: x,
    ids=['scalar', 'list', 'series', 'object'],
def groupby_apply_operator(request):
    Functions to test groupby.apply().
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def as_frame(request):
    Boolean fixture to support Series and Series.to_frame() comparison testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def as_series(request):
    Boolean fixture to support arr and Series(arr) comparison testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def use_numpy(request):
    Boolean fixture to support comparison testing of ExtensionDtype array    and numpy array.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=['ffill', 'bfill'])
def fillna_method(request):
    Parameterized fixture giving method parameters 'ffill' and 'bfill' for
    Series.fillna(method=<method>) testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def as_array(request):
    Boolean fixture to support ExtensionDtype _from_sequence method testing.
    return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=[None, lambda x: x])
def sort_by_key(request):
    Simple fixture for testing keys in sorting methods.
    Tests None (no key) and the identity key.
    return request.param

# TODO: Finish implementing all operators
_all_arithmetic_operators = [
    #  '__radd__',
    #  '__rsub__',
    #  '__rmul__',
    #  '__floordiv__',
    #  '__rfloordiv__',
    #  '__rtruediv__',
    #  '__pow__',
    #  '__rpow__',
    #  '__mod__',
    #  '__rmod__',
def all_arithmetic_operators(request):
    Fixture for dunder names for common arithmetic operations.
    return request.param

_all_numeric_reductions = [
def all_numeric_reductions(request):
    Fixture for numeric reduction names.
    return request.param

_all_boolean_reductions = ['all', 'any']
def all_boolean_reductions(request):
    Fixture for boolean reduction names.
    return request.param

_all_reductions = _all_numeric_reductions + _all_boolean_reductions
def all_reductions(request):
    Fixture for all (boolean + numeric) reduction names.
    return request.param

_all_compare_operators = [
def all_compare_operators(request):
    Fixture for dunder names for common compare operations:

    * >=
    * >
    * ==
    * !=
    * <
    * <=
    return request.param

class TestCastingTests(BaseCastingTests):

class TestConstructorsTests(BaseConstructorsTests):

class TestDtypeTests(BaseDtypeTests):

class TestGetitemTests(BaseGetitemTests):

class TestGroupbyTests(BaseGroupbyTests):

class TestInterfaceTests(BaseInterfaceTests):

class TestParsingTests(BaseParsingTests):

class TestMethodsTests(BaseMethodsTests):

class TestMissingTests(BaseMissingTests):

class TestArithmeticOpsTests(BaseArithmeticOpsTests):
    series_scalar_exc = None
    frame_scalar_exc = None
    series_array_exc = None
    divmod_exc = TypeError  # TODO: Implement divmod

class TestComparisonOpsTests(BaseComparisonOpsTests):
    # See pint-pandas test suite
    def _compare_other(self, s, data, op_name, other):
        op = self.get_op_from_name(op_name)
        result = op(s, other)
        expected = op(s.to_numpy(), other)
        assert (result == expected).all()

class TestOpsUtil(BaseOpsUtil):

class TestUnaryOpsTests(BaseUnaryOpsTests):

class TestPrintingTests(BasePrintingTests):

class TestBooleanReduceTests(BaseBooleanReduceTests):

class TestNumericReduceTests(BaseNumericReduceTests):

# AFAICT NoReduce and Boolean+NumericReduce are mutually exclusive
# class TestNoReduceTests(BaseNoReduceTests):
    # pass

class TestReshapingTests(BaseReshapingTests):

class TestSetitemTests(BaseSetitemTests):
like image 87
tdy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
