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django have the ability to login with phone or email



I want to create a django custom user model such that i can have my users login with either phone or email.

This is my proposed solution

class ExtendedUser(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
    phonenumber = PhoneNumberField(unique=True, null=True ..)
    email = EmailField(unique=True, null=True ..)

so now while login, i can do something like this

if cleaned_data['phonenumber']:
   u = User.objects.get(phonenumber=cleaned_data['phonenumber'])
   authenticate(username=u.pk, password=cleaned_data['password'])

elif cleaned_data['email']:

I am not sure whether it is possible to put USERNAME_FIELD as pk. We can easily put a UUIDField if that's not possible.

Is the proposed solution fine?

like image 573
Dev Aggarwal Avatar asked Jan 17 '18 14:01

Dev Aggarwal

People also ask

How do I login as user in Django?

Django by default will look within a templates folder called registration for auth templates. The login template is called login. html . Create a new directory called templates and within it another directory called registration .

How does Django handle user authentication?

The Django authentication system handles both authentication and authorization. Briefly, authentication verifies a user is who they claim to be, and authorization determines what an authenticated user is allowed to do. Here the term authentication is used to refer to both tasks.

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Email authentication for Django 3.x For using email/username and password for authentication instead of the default username and password authentication, we need to override two methods of ModelBackend class: authenticate() and get_user():

1 Answers

The unique constrain for Email and Phone are good. Also, I would set USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'.

Then, I think you should try to create a custom authentication backend. You can check here

Like Django says: When somebody calls django.contrib.auth.authenticate(), Django tries authenticating across all of its authentication backends.

Then in your custom authentication backend you can ask for Email or Phone:

class CustomAuthenticationBackend:

    def authenticate(self, request, email_or_phone=None, password=None):
             user = User.objects.get(
                 Q(email=email_or_phone) | Q(phone=email_or_phone)
             pwd_valid = user.check_password(password)
             if pwd_valid:            
                 return user
             return None
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

    def get_user(self, user_id):
            return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

I think it can work. Let me know!!

Best regards.

like image 168
Marcos Schroh Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Marcos Schroh