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How to render a variable in a django template?

My goal is to write dynamically some urls of images in the HTML page. Urls are stored in a database.

To do so, first I am trying to render a simple varable in a template. Reading the docs and other sources, it should be done in 3 steps:

For the configuration: in settings.py

    'OPTIONS': {
        'debug': DEBUG,
        'context_processors': [
            'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages',            ],


The variable name in the template: In MyHTMLFile.html is foo

<td>MyLabel</td><td><p>{{ foo }}</p></td><td>-----------</td>

in the view.py, one of the lines

context = {foo: myvar1,}

return render_to_response("MyHTMLFile.html", context, context_instance = RequestContext(request) )
return render(request, 'MyHTMLFile.html', {foo: myvar1})
return render_to_response("MyHTMLFile.html", context , context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
return render(request, 'MyHTMLFile.html', context)

The html page is well rendered, but no data in the html table.

Do you have an idea ? I am curious to know what i misunderstand.

Regarding the versio, i am using: python: Python 2.7.13 django: 1.10.5

Thank you

like image 795
alvaro562003 Avatar asked Jun 07 '17 14:06


1 Answers

context = {foo: myvar1,}

This should give you a NameError unless ofcourse you have a variable named foo in which case it may or may not hold a string foo. So in short you are not sending the right data to the template. It should be

context = {'foo': myvar1,}

And then

return render_to_response("MyHTMLFile.html", context, context_instance = RequestContext(request) )
# Below this line code will not be executed.
return render(request, 'MyHTMLFile.html', {foo: myvar1})
return render_to_response("MyHTMLFile.html", context , context_instance=RequestContext(request) )
return render(request, 'MyHTMLFile.html', context)

note that the return keyword returns from the function. Code after that doesn't get executed.

lastly render_to_response is deprecated. render is the current function to use.

like image 52
e4c5 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 16:11
