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Django form field grouping

Say I have a form with 20 fields, and I want to put 10 of these fields (group1) in a particular div environment and the other 10 fields (group2) in a different div environment. Something like:

<div class="class1">
{% for field in form.group1 %}
            {{ field.label}}: {{ field }}
{% endfor %}

<div class="class2">
{% for field in form.group2 %}
            {{ field.label}}: {{ field }}
{% endfor %}

Any ideas how I could accomplish this by iterating over the fields? More generally, I would like to be able to do this with many different div environments and sets of form fields.

like image 966
C. Reed Avatar asked Apr 28 '12 19:04

C. Reed

1 Answers

Any logical way to group fields would work... say you have a method on your form that returns form fields that you explicitly group?

To save typing, perhaps a certain field prefix naming scheme?

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    group1_field = forms.CharField()
    group1_field = forms.CharField()
    group2_field = forms.CharField()
    group2_field = forms.CharField()

   def group1(self):
        return [self[name] for name in filter(lambda x: x.startswith('group1_'), self.fields.values()]

Perhaps set an attribute on the field you can filter by?

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    field = forms.CharField()
    field.group = 1

    field2 = forms.CharField()
    field2.group = 2

    def group1(self):
        return filter(lambda x: x.group == 1, self.fields.values())

    def group2(self):
        return filter(lambda x: x.group == 2, self.fields.values())

You could also use the regroup tag if you set these attributes.

{% regroup form.fields by group as field_group %}
{% for group in field_group %}
<div class="group_{{ group.grouper }}">
  {% for field in group.list %}
    {{ field }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
like image 169
Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita