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Django admin and MongoDB, possible at all?

I'm building a simple short URL service, ala bitly, for our company use. And I would like to use mongodb to store the data, but I will need some kind of simple interface to add/edit short url to long url mappings.

The mongo documents will be very simple, something like this:

  shortUrlSlug: 'pbbs',
  fullUrl: 'http://example.com/peanut/butter/and/bacon/sandwiches/'

Is there anything out there that exposes a simple "CRUD" admin interface to mongodb, that can be integrated with django, where you can specify the model?
Basically like django admin, but without requiring a SQL database.


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adamJLev Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 20:08


2 Answers

I have confirmed that django-nonrel project does support the admin interface. I did have a problem where the default SITE_ID was picked up as a number, which is not allowed as a primary key in MongoDB. I resolved this by setting:

SITE_ID = '4d421623b0207acdc500001d'

in my settings.py

I got the number by printing the id of the first site value in the collection through the shell.

I have not tested this extensively, but did register an admin for a Poll object and see it work.

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conor Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09


I have used django-nonrel with mongodb-engine and it works well. Django admin also works with standard model fields. But if you are using listfield and dictfield, you would need to do some hacking.

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techpaisa Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
