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Convert X and Y arrays into a frequencies grid

I would like to convert two arrays (x and y) into a frequency n x n matrix (n = 5), indicating each cell the number of point that contains. It consists on resampling both variables into five intervals and count the existing number of points per cell.

I have tried using pandas pivot_table but don't know the way of referencing to each axis coordinate. X and Y arrays are two dependent variables that contain values between 0 and 100.

I would really appreciate some one's aid. Thank you very much in advance.

This is an example of the code:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Arrays example. They are always float type and ranging 0-100. (n_size array = 15)
x = 100 * np.random.random(15)
y = 100 * np.random.random(15)

# Df created for trying to pivot and counting values per cell
df = pd.DataFrame({'X':x,'Y':y})

# Plot the example data:
df.plot(x = 'X',y = 'Y', style = 'o')

This is what I have: enter image description here

This is the objetive matrix, saved as a df: enter image description here

like image 355
Miguel Gonzalez Avatar asked Oct 23 '20 16:10

Miguel Gonzalez

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Find the frequency of a number in an array. Given an array a[] and an element x, find number of occurrences of x in a[]. Examples: The idea is simple, we initialize count as 0. We traverse array in linear fashion. For every element that matches with x, we increment count. Finally we return count. Below is the implementation of the approach.

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Please refer to below article for details. Count number of occurrences (or frequency) in a sorted array. We can use hashing to store frequencies of all elements.

How to plot a matrix of frequency counts from x values?

Note: x-values are binned along the first dimension (axis 0), which visually means 'vertical'. Hence the transpose. You can just create bins with pd.cut and then groupby the bins and unstack along the X variable and you have a matrix of frequency counts. There is no elegant solution to the plotting part of the problem. But here's what you can do.

Video Answer

2 Answers

If you do not explicitly need to use pandas (which you don't, if it's just about a frequency matrix), consider using numpy.histogram2d:

# Sample data
x = 100*np.random.random(15)
y = 100*np.random.random(15)

Construct your bins (since your x and y bins are the same, one set is enough)

bins = np.linspace(0, 100, 5+1)

# bins = array([  0.,  20.,  40.,  60.,  80., 100.])

Now use the histogram function:

binned, binx, biny = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins = [bins, bins])

# To get the result you desire, transpose
objmat = binned.T

Note: x-values are binned along the first dimension(axis 0), which visually means 'vertical'. Hence the transpose.


fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(0, 100)
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)

ax.scatter(x, y)
for i in range(objmat.shape[0]):
    for j in range(objmat.shape[1]):
        c = int(objmat[::-1][j,i])
        ax.text((bins[i]+bins[i+1])/2, (bins[j]+bins[j+1])/2, str(c), fontdict={'fontsize' : 16, 'ha' : 'center', 'va' : 'center'})

Result: enter image description here

like image 177
amzon-ex Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10


You could use GroupBy.size matching group axes to the center of each grid. Then you can use Axes.text to draw them

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

max_val = 100
n = 5
len_group = max_val // 5
x = max_val * np.random.random(15)
y = max_val * np.random.random(15)

# Df created for trying to pivot and counting values per cell
df = pd.DataFrame({'X':x,'Y':y})

x_groups = df['X'] // len_group * len_group + len_group / 2
y_groups = df['Y'] // len_group * len_group + len_group / 2

fig, ax= plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 6))

ax.set_ylim(0, max_val)
ax.set_xlim(0, max_val)

df.plot(x = 'X',y = 'Y', style = 'o', ax=ax)
for i, val in df.groupby([x_groups, y_groups]).size().items():
    ax.text(*i, val,fontdict={'fontsize' : 20, 'ha' : 'center',  'va':'center'})

enter image description here

like image 42
ansev Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10
