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Displaying the actual parameter list of the function during execution

I am trying to display the actual values of the parameters that were supplied when the function was called. `match.call' does something along the lines I want but it does not evaluate variables. For example

foo <- function(x) match.call()


foo(x = 2)

and I am happy with that. However:

xxx <- 2

will print

foo(x = xxx)

instead of foo(x = 2) as I would like to have it.

I have tried various combinations of substitute, eval, and company, but was not succesful.

like image 954
Aniko Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 08:12


2 Answers

I wrote a function expand.call() that does what you want (I think...) a while ago. Actually, it does a little more:

#' Return a call in which all of the arguments which were supplied
#' or have presets are specified by their full names and supplied
#' or default values.
#' @param definition a function. See \code{\link[base]{match.call}}.
#' @param call an unevaluated call to the function specified by definition.
#'  See \code{\link[base]{match.call}}.
#' @param expand.dots logical. Should arguments matching ... in the call be 
#'  included or left as a ... argument? See \code{\link[base]{match.call}}.
#' @param doEval logical, defaults to TRUE. Should function arguments be 
#'  evaluated in the returned call or not?
#' @return An object of class call. 
#' @author fabians
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{match.call}}
expand.call <- function(definition=NULL,
         expand.dots = TRUE,

    safeDeparse <- function(expr){
        #rm line breaks, whitespace             
        ret <- paste(deparse(expr), collapse="")
        return(gsub("[[:space:]][[:space:]]+", " ", ret))

    call <- .Internal(match.call(definition, call, expand.dots))

    #supplied args:
    ans <- as.list(call)
    if(doEval & length(ans) > 1) {
      for(i in 2:length(ans)) ans[[i]] <- eval(ans[[i]])

    #possible args:
    frmls <- formals(safeDeparse(ans[[1]]))
    #remove formal args with no presets:
    frmls <- frmls[!sapply(frmls, is.symbol)]

    add <- which(!(names(frmls) %in% names(ans)))
    return(as.call(c(ans, frmls[add])))

You would normally use this as a substitute for match.call() if you need to preserve some some more info about the call or have it formatted more nicely, like:

foo <- function(x, bar="bar", gnurp=10, ...) {
    call <- expand.call(...)

> foo(2)
foo(x = 2, bar = "bar", gnurp = 10)

> xxx <- 2
> foo(xxx)
foo(x = 2, bar = "bar", gnurp = 10)

> foo(xxx, b="bbbb")
foo(x = 2, bar = "bbbb", gnurp = 10)

> foo(xxx, b="bbbb", doEval=FALSE)
foo(x = xxx, bar = "bbbb", doEval = FALSE, gnurp = 10)

Maybe you can use it to solve your problem.

like image 92
fabians Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 04:12


I don't know if this is the best way, but probably you can do it by:

foo <- function(x,y,z) {
like image 25
kohske Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 04:12
